Mystery Babylon and The Rise of Modern Paganism
Apr 4, 2012 11:38:40 GMT -5
Post by shann0 on Apr 4, 2012 11:38:40 GMT -5
Mystery Babylon and The Rise of Modern Paganism by Don Koenig
By admin on March 7, 2012 in Original Gospel
The Bible says that in the last days there will be a falling away from the true faith to doctrines of demons. The book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ tells us that in the end time a woman riding a Beast will appear (this pagan god riding a beast of burden is today displayed all over Europe as one of the symbols for the European Union). The woman on the Beast in Revelation is Mystery Babylon. The Beast according to Daniel and Revelation will come out of the area of the revived Roman empire. It will be the last Gentile world empire before the return of Christ. The woman on the Beast is described as a harlot, she is the world religious system led from Rome. She is identified as a harlot because she retains the name of God but has been infiltrated by pagan Babylonian doctrines of demons. She rides on the back of the last Gentile world empire but the Beast will hate her and in the end will devour her.
As a foreshadow Hitler used the Roman Church to get into power but documents now tell us that after the Jews were killed, Christians were to be next. In the same way the world leader that will rise in Europe will get guidance and direction from the Vatican. (She will control all world religion in the end time.) However, in the end, the world leader (Antichrist) will claim to be above anything called God and seek to kill all those who will not worship him as God. When Satan indwells the Antichrist he will throw off anything identified with Christianity and Judaism, and paganism will rise to power in the world.
Many wonder how satanic religion could come to power in this day and age. We think we are too sophisticated to worship demons, practice witchcraft or be in the occult. However, if you examine the beliefs of world religions and the “new age/new spirituality†movement you will see that the demonic deceptions of neo-paganism and eastern philosophies have already infiltrated the whole world and even much of Christianity.
Some say paganism is not satanic since most pagans claim they do not worship Satan. However, adoration of any god or goddess outside of the true God of the Bible is idolatry and is satanically inspired. The belief that spiritual power can come to an individual outside of the God of creation through self-effort, by forces in nature, or from spirits separated from the biblical God, descends from the mystery religion of Babylonian paganism.
All world religious beliefs not founded on the absolute truths of the Bible have descended from Mystery Babylon and can therefore be described as religions from Babylonian paganism. Those who claim they are not pagans because they are not witches do not understand this common root and source of all polytheistic and pantheistic beliefs. The Bible says there is nothing new under the sun. There also is nothing new in witchcraft, “New Age/New Spirituality†or in eastern polytheistic religions either because they all came from the same root source. All these beliefs originated from Babylonian mystery religion that goes back to the rebellion against God at the tower of Babel over 4,000 years ago.
The “New Age/New Spirituality Movement†is a loose collection of many things that have pagan roots. This modern pagan movement is nothing more than ancient paganism put in a new package. The polytheistic religious of the East and those in “New Age/New Spirituality†beliefs and witchcraft all have a common root source in ancient Babylon and they share the common polytheist and/or pantheist beliefs of the mystery religion that began at Babylon.
Most “New Age†leaders have now rejected the term “New Age†they call themselves part of the “New Spirituality†movement. However, be assured, no matter how much they like to deny being “New Ageâ€, this “New Spirituality Movement†contains the same beliefs of “New Age†doctrine and Babylonian paganism. It just has a refined title. The “new spirituality movement†is a more refined pagan movement for those who rejected certain silly practices that were identified with the “New Age†movement. This “New Spirituality†concept or movement is the latest effort to make polytheistic and pantheistic beliefs acceptable to the mainstream public.
There are a few core beliefs that unites all the various forms of modern paganism but there are many common themes.
The “New Age†or “New Spirituality†movement in a nutshell:
We are all powerful spirit beings
We pre-existed before our present lives on earth
Worship of the creation rather than the Creator
The human species will evolve into its Christ consciousness or God state
God is a force, everyone and everything is part of this creative force
Because God is in everything, collective thoughts create reality
The mother earth is part of the force and she is a living entity
If human abuse of mother earth continues she will have to defend herself with severe natural upheavals
We must reduce our population and eliminate all the negative thinking people (Monotheistic fundamentalism) by education or removal
Some in the “New Age†believe that our parent species are alien life forms. They say these aliens planted us here sometime in the past and that they are due to return. This belief will set the world up for the great deception
Some popular doctrines of demons, mystical practices,â€New Age†or “New Spirituality†names, and themes: (many are in churches)
Getting in touch with your inner self
Inner healing
Signs and wonder ministries
The course in miracles
Contact with ascended masters
Contact with aliens
Soul travel
Out of body experiences
Near death experiences
Spirit Guides
Positive confession
Possibility thinking
Your words have power, so you can speak things into existence
Visions from Mary
Apparitions related to Mary
Crying statues
Slaying in the Spirit
Laughing, barking and other strange out of control behavior claimed to have come by the power of the Spirit
Schools claiming to be Christian that teach one how to become a prophet
Altered states of consciousness
Collective consciousness
Tolerance for forbidden practices
Reaching Christ consciousness
Sweat lodges
The lord Maitreya
The Krishna
Maitreya Buddha
Imam Mahdi
Dalai Lama
Robert Schuller
The power of positive thinking
The reincarnation of Christ in another body
There are many paths to God/all religion leads to God
Zen Buddhism
We are about to evolve to a higher life form
Animal rights and elevation of other species to the level of human beings
Alternative lifestyles
Rejection of Judo Christian morality and beliefs
There are no moral absolutes
Vegetarianism, health food, organic food products (as a higher life style)
Holistic healing, alternative medicine (taken to mystical extremes)
Psychics, remote viewers, channelers, astrologers, fortune tellers
Team concepts (to replace individualism)
Personality typing or profiling
Diversity training
Correct thinking people/right thinking people
The basic goodness of man
Personal gurus
Self improvement seminars
Outcome based education
It takes a village
You can be anything you want to be
Abortion, birth control, family planning, the right to choose
Alien encounters
Harry Potter books and movies
Psycho therapy
Word of Faith
Latter Rain movement
New apostolic reformation
Joel’s Army
Manifest Sons of God
Replacement Theology
Supersession Theology
The force
Edgar Casey
Pyramid power
Crystal power
New Spirituality
Kabbalah (also Qabalah, Cabala, Qaballah, Qabala, Kaballah)
“The Secretâ€
Alternate lifestyles
All paths lead to God
Contemplative prayer
Centering prayer
Spiritual Reformation
Emergent church or Vintage Christianity (some concepts)
Many Christians identify with a few of the bullets listed above and a few of them may not necessarily be demonic. However, it certainly is demonic if it conflicts with the absolute truths in biblical Christianity. “New Age†or “New Spirituality†beliefs have infiltrated the liberal main line Protestant churches. Some “New Age†beliefs have even infiltrated many Evangelical and Pentecostal churches. For example – so called ongoing movements of the spirit such as the laughing movement, the anointing of God is on me/slain in the spirit movement, the speak it into existence “Word of faith†clones, and the traveling circus healing gurus can hardly be distinguished from methods and practices used in the occult “New Ageâ€/â€New Spirituality†movement.
Now some of the leadership of the purpose driven seeker friendly church growth movement are pushing paraphrases of the bible that have “New Age†terms (i.e. “The Message“) and teaching in popular books that God is in everything and everyone (pantheism). They also teach psycho therapy from theories of psychology as truth.
The largest Protestant denominations have large numbers of their membership and leadership in the occult organization known as the Masons (whether the individual member actually is aware of its occult roots, teachings and practices or not).
The latest movement among the young that still identify with Christianity is the Emerging church movement. It has incorporated Eastern pagan altered state techniques and mysticism as a replacement for sound biblical theology.
Many Catholic practices are also pagan and parallel “New Age†theology. Most Catholics will not have any problem embracing any doctrine said to come from a Mary apparition or the so called vicar of Christ (the Pope). Unfortunately most Catholics do not embrace the scriptures as they ought and follow traditions of men instead of the word of God; They make the sacrifice of the atonement of Jesus insufficient and leave themselves wide open to demonic deception.
Just a few pagan practices in the Roman Catholic Church:
The rituals and practices of a priesthood to intercede and rule over the laity
A infallible vicar of Christ
Rote prayer
The Rosary (rote prayer to Mary for intercession)
Worship of Mary (in reality this pagan demon god with child pre-existed Mary and was known as the Queen of Heaven)
Holy Rituals
Holy water
The mission, practices, and methods of the Jesuits
Eucharistic Christ (The bread and wine becoming the body and blood of Christ whenever conjured up by a priest)
Signs of the time
Paganism and Satan worship is the final form of religion before the second coming of Christ. Halfway through the tribulation the world rejects Judaism and Christianity. All remaining believers are told to come out of Babylon (Rev 18:4). At that point in time persecution by pagans begins in earnest against the believers of Jehovah/Jesus all over the world.
Modern paganism is on an exponential rise and is now found in all religions. It even has great influence in the forming of the new European super state. Paganism has taken over so much of our government in the US and Canada that the real God of creation cannot even be acknowledged in our schools, courts and public places. Pagan practices are now being set up, practiced and enforced at every level of society including in many of our churches.
It is obvious to the astute that there are many in high places who are pushing modern paganism as the answer to the world’s problems. If you doubt the power of these modern pagan idealists look at what has happened in Europe. There are now 27 nation states in the EU. This is not the final configuration but a new Roman Empire will reemerge in some form under a central government and a single constitution. Many who said Europe would arise as a world power were laughed at just a couple of decades ago. Now look two decades in the future and honestly tell me that a world government will not be implemented by these same brand of idealists. After all, The EU is just a pilot project or working model of the one world pagan socialist utopia that they envision.
We are seeing what the prophets said would happen in the last days. It would be foolish to think that we are not living in the times that were written about when we can actually see political and religious leaders dancing to the end time script of evil puppet masters. Political and religious Mystery Babylon is ascending to the center stage and it is happening in this prophetic generation.
Mystery Babylon and The Rise of Modern Paganism by Don Koenig
By admin on March 7, 2012 in Original Gospel
The Bible says that in the last days there will be a falling away from the true faith to doctrines of demons. The book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ tells us that in the end time a woman riding a Beast will appear (this pagan god riding a beast of burden is today displayed all over Europe as one of the symbols for the European Union). The woman on the Beast in Revelation is Mystery Babylon. The Beast according to Daniel and Revelation will come out of the area of the revived Roman empire. It will be the last Gentile world empire before the return of Christ. The woman on the Beast is described as a harlot, she is the world religious system led from Rome. She is identified as a harlot because she retains the name of God but has been infiltrated by pagan Babylonian doctrines of demons. She rides on the back of the last Gentile world empire but the Beast will hate her and in the end will devour her.
As a foreshadow Hitler used the Roman Church to get into power but documents now tell us that after the Jews were killed, Christians were to be next. In the same way the world leader that will rise in Europe will get guidance and direction from the Vatican. (She will control all world religion in the end time.) However, in the end, the world leader (Antichrist) will claim to be above anything called God and seek to kill all those who will not worship him as God. When Satan indwells the Antichrist he will throw off anything identified with Christianity and Judaism, and paganism will rise to power in the world.
Many wonder how satanic religion could come to power in this day and age. We think we are too sophisticated to worship demons, practice witchcraft or be in the occult. However, if you examine the beliefs of world religions and the “new age/new spirituality†movement you will see that the demonic deceptions of neo-paganism and eastern philosophies have already infiltrated the whole world and even much of Christianity.
Some say paganism is not satanic since most pagans claim they do not worship Satan. However, adoration of any god or goddess outside of the true God of the Bible is idolatry and is satanically inspired. The belief that spiritual power can come to an individual outside of the God of creation through self-effort, by forces in nature, or from spirits separated from the biblical God, descends from the mystery religion of Babylonian paganism.
All world religious beliefs not founded on the absolute truths of the Bible have descended from Mystery Babylon and can therefore be described as religions from Babylonian paganism. Those who claim they are not pagans because they are not witches do not understand this common root and source of all polytheistic and pantheistic beliefs. The Bible says there is nothing new under the sun. There also is nothing new in witchcraft, “New Age/New Spirituality†or in eastern polytheistic religions either because they all came from the same root source. All these beliefs originated from Babylonian mystery religion that goes back to the rebellion against God at the tower of Babel over 4,000 years ago.
The “New Age/New Spirituality Movement†is a loose collection of many things that have pagan roots. This modern pagan movement is nothing more than ancient paganism put in a new package. The polytheistic religious of the East and those in “New Age/New Spirituality†beliefs and witchcraft all have a common root source in ancient Babylon and they share the common polytheist and/or pantheist beliefs of the mystery religion that began at Babylon.
Most “New Age†leaders have now rejected the term “New Age†they call themselves part of the “New Spirituality†movement. However, be assured, no matter how much they like to deny being “New Ageâ€, this “New Spirituality Movement†contains the same beliefs of “New Age†doctrine and Babylonian paganism. It just has a refined title. The “new spirituality movement†is a more refined pagan movement for those who rejected certain silly practices that were identified with the “New Age†movement. This “New Spirituality†concept or movement is the latest effort to make polytheistic and pantheistic beliefs acceptable to the mainstream public.
There are a few core beliefs that unites all the various forms of modern paganism but there are many common themes.
The “New Age†or “New Spirituality†movement in a nutshell:
We are all powerful spirit beings
We pre-existed before our present lives on earth
Worship of the creation rather than the Creator
The human species will evolve into its Christ consciousness or God state
God is a force, everyone and everything is part of this creative force
Because God is in everything, collective thoughts create reality
The mother earth is part of the force and she is a living entity
If human abuse of mother earth continues she will have to defend herself with severe natural upheavals
We must reduce our population and eliminate all the negative thinking people (Monotheistic fundamentalism) by education or removal
Some in the “New Age†believe that our parent species are alien life forms. They say these aliens planted us here sometime in the past and that they are due to return. This belief will set the world up for the great deception
Some popular doctrines of demons, mystical practices,â€New Age†or “New Spirituality†names, and themes: (many are in churches)
Getting in touch with your inner self
Inner healing
Signs and wonder ministries
The course in miracles
Contact with ascended masters
Contact with aliens
Soul travel
Out of body experiences
Near death experiences
Spirit Guides
Positive confession
Possibility thinking
Your words have power, so you can speak things into existence
Visions from Mary
Apparitions related to Mary
Crying statues
Slaying in the Spirit
Laughing, barking and other strange out of control behavior claimed to have come by the power of the Spirit
Schools claiming to be Christian that teach one how to become a prophet
Altered states of consciousness
Collective consciousness
Tolerance for forbidden practices
Reaching Christ consciousness
Sweat lodges
The lord Maitreya
The Krishna
Maitreya Buddha
Imam Mahdi
Dalai Lama
Robert Schuller
The power of positive thinking
The reincarnation of Christ in another body
There are many paths to God/all religion leads to God
Zen Buddhism
We are about to evolve to a higher life form
Animal rights and elevation of other species to the level of human beings
Alternative lifestyles
Rejection of Judo Christian morality and beliefs
There are no moral absolutes
Vegetarianism, health food, organic food products (as a higher life style)
Holistic healing, alternative medicine (taken to mystical extremes)
Psychics, remote viewers, channelers, astrologers, fortune tellers
Team concepts (to replace individualism)
Personality typing or profiling
Diversity training
Correct thinking people/right thinking people
The basic goodness of man
Personal gurus
Self improvement seminars
Outcome based education
It takes a village
You can be anything you want to be
Abortion, birth control, family planning, the right to choose
Alien encounters
Harry Potter books and movies
Psycho therapy
Word of Faith
Latter Rain movement
New apostolic reformation
Joel’s Army
Manifest Sons of God
Replacement Theology
Supersession Theology
The force
Edgar Casey
Pyramid power
Crystal power
New Spirituality
Kabbalah (also Qabalah, Cabala, Qaballah, Qabala, Kaballah)
“The Secretâ€
Alternate lifestyles
All paths lead to God
Contemplative prayer
Centering prayer
Spiritual Reformation
Emergent church or Vintage Christianity (some concepts)
Many Christians identify with a few of the bullets listed above and a few of them may not necessarily be demonic. However, it certainly is demonic if it conflicts with the absolute truths in biblical Christianity. “New Age†or “New Spirituality†beliefs have infiltrated the liberal main line Protestant churches. Some “New Age†beliefs have even infiltrated many Evangelical and Pentecostal churches. For example – so called ongoing movements of the spirit such as the laughing movement, the anointing of God is on me/slain in the spirit movement, the speak it into existence “Word of faith†clones, and the traveling circus healing gurus can hardly be distinguished from methods and practices used in the occult “New Ageâ€/â€New Spirituality†movement.
Now some of the leadership of the purpose driven seeker friendly church growth movement are pushing paraphrases of the bible that have “New Age†terms (i.e. “The Message“) and teaching in popular books that God is in everything and everyone (pantheism). They also teach psycho therapy from theories of psychology as truth.
The largest Protestant denominations have large numbers of their membership and leadership in the occult organization known as the Masons (whether the individual member actually is aware of its occult roots, teachings and practices or not).
The latest movement among the young that still identify with Christianity is the Emerging church movement. It has incorporated Eastern pagan altered state techniques and mysticism as a replacement for sound biblical theology.
Many Catholic practices are also pagan and parallel “New Age†theology. Most Catholics will not have any problem embracing any doctrine said to come from a Mary apparition or the so called vicar of Christ (the Pope). Unfortunately most Catholics do not embrace the scriptures as they ought and follow traditions of men instead of the word of God; They make the sacrifice of the atonement of Jesus insufficient and leave themselves wide open to demonic deception.
Just a few pagan practices in the Roman Catholic Church:
The rituals and practices of a priesthood to intercede and rule over the laity
A infallible vicar of Christ
Rote prayer
The Rosary (rote prayer to Mary for intercession)
Worship of Mary (in reality this pagan demon god with child pre-existed Mary and was known as the Queen of Heaven)
Holy Rituals
Holy water
The mission, practices, and methods of the Jesuits
Eucharistic Christ (The bread and wine becoming the body and blood of Christ whenever conjured up by a priest)
Signs of the time
Paganism and Satan worship is the final form of religion before the second coming of Christ. Halfway through the tribulation the world rejects Judaism and Christianity. All remaining believers are told to come out of Babylon (Rev 18:4). At that point in time persecution by pagans begins in earnest against the believers of Jehovah/Jesus all over the world.
Modern paganism is on an exponential rise and is now found in all religions. It even has great influence in the forming of the new European super state. Paganism has taken over so much of our government in the US and Canada that the real God of creation cannot even be acknowledged in our schools, courts and public places. Pagan practices are now being set up, practiced and enforced at every level of society including in many of our churches.
It is obvious to the astute that there are many in high places who are pushing modern paganism as the answer to the world’s problems. If you doubt the power of these modern pagan idealists look at what has happened in Europe. There are now 27 nation states in the EU. This is not the final configuration but a new Roman Empire will reemerge in some form under a central government and a single constitution. Many who said Europe would arise as a world power were laughed at just a couple of decades ago. Now look two decades in the future and honestly tell me that a world government will not be implemented by these same brand of idealists. After all, The EU is just a pilot project or working model of the one world pagan socialist utopia that they envision.
We are seeing what the prophets said would happen in the last days. It would be foolish to think that we are not living in the times that were written about when we can actually see political and religious leaders dancing to the end time script of evil puppet masters. Political and religious Mystery Babylon is ascending to the center stage and it is happening in this prophetic generation.