Welcome to The Harpazo Forum! Please come on in and join us!
Thank you to our veterans and active military - God bless you!
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
Jesus is coming back soon - are you ready?


Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Welcome!

New here? Read this first.

4 28 Welcome!
by PrisonerOfHope
May 2, 2014 23:53:24 GMT -5
No New Posts Announcements - 1 Viewing

Announcements affecting all members.

100 281 How to Help the People of Israel and the IDF
by PrisonerOfHope
Jul 17, 2024 0:30:59 GMT -5

Getting Down to Basics

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Please Introduce Yourself!

Tell us a bit about yourself, and how you found us.

Moderator: PrisonerOfHope

31 320 Greetings from Aotearoa - Land of the long white clouds
by PurplePuppy
May 26, 2022 12:15:38 GMT -5
No New Posts Public Prayer Requests (Open to non-members)

This forum is a place for anyone who has a need to ask for prayer - it's anonymous for guests, and you're not required to register. Please post your prayer request; our prayer warriors would be honored to pray for you.

186 592 Larry Wolfe (The Wolfe Pit) needs prayer!
by ExquisiteGerbil
Jul 23, 2024 23:21:48 GMT -5
No New Posts Testimonies & Praise Reports

Would you like to share how you came to be saved? Have you experienced any miracles you'd like to tell us about? Come and encourage your brothers & sisters in the Lord!

83 163 Wrestling Legend Hulk Hogan Gets Baptized at Age 70
by PurplePuppy
Dec 21, 2023 23:21:53 GMT -5
No New Posts Bible Study and Discussion - 1 Viewing

A forum where you can ask questions and share insights about God's word.

384 3,466 Superior Word Daily Devotional On the Book of Matthew
by PrisonerOfHope
Jul 25, 2024 23:02:35 GMT -5
No New Posts Christian Chat - 2 Viewing

Discussions and questions about anything pertaining to your Christian walk, including questions about Bible prophecy.

858 1,411 Why are there so many fake Christians?
by PrisonerOfHope
Jul 25, 2024 23:32:26 GMT -5
No New Posts Come, Let Us Reason Together - 1 Viewing

There are some topics that are often debated among Christians, and other subjects that you might be wondering about. This is the place to discuss them.

157 505 Peace & Unity With the Left is Not an Option for Christians
by Berean
Jul 17, 2024 22:40:53 GMT -5

News & Current Events

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Current Events as They Relate to Prophecy

A forum to discuss major breaking news stories from around the world that pertain to Bible prophecy.

3,991 8,224 The Covid Scamdemic and Resulting Fallout
by schwartzie
Jul 26, 2024 17:00:56 GMT -5
No New Posts News From Israel and the Middle East - 4 Viewing

"Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah [and] against Jerusalem." Zech. 12:2

Israel is a tiny country (about 8,000 sq. miles), yet the eyes of the entire world are upon her. Share your news stories from the ME here.

5,362 6,256 Iran deploys deceptively edited clip of 2017 Trump-Netanyahu
by shalom
Jul 26, 2024 22:02:08 GMT -5
No New Posts Wars, Rumors of Wars, and the "Religion of Peace" - 1 Viewing

There's an ever-increasing number of terrorist threats and attacks, and we'll no doubt be seeing more in the coming days. Most aren't of "big" prophetic significance on their own to put in Current Events as They Relate to Prophecy, but they're too serious for the Interesting Local News forum, so they can go here, as well as articles about military build-ups, etc.

Also, by seeing all of them gathered in one place we can better appreciate the threat from the "Religion of Peace" that the world is facing.

2,431 3,752 US Military Intercepts China,Russia Fighter Jets Near Alaska
by Midnight
Jul 24, 2024 21:54:54 GMT -5
No New Posts Interesting Local & Regional News Stories - 3 Viewing

This is the place to share news stories that aren't world-shaking per se, but are of interest in that they show things like the decline in morality, abuses in local government, etc.

8,385 11,179 Canada Olympic Soccer Team Flew Spy Drone over Rivals
by ExquisiteGerbil
Jul 25, 2024 18:00:34 GMT -5
No New Posts Worldwide Economic & Supply Chain News - 4 Viewing

With the entire world in economic turmoil and on the verge of bankruptcy, and with no answers in sight, conditions are ripe for the "Man With the Plan" - i.e., the Antichrist, to arise. Here's the place to list the economic events that are bringing his revealing closer as well as supply chain issues and shortages that are slowly leading the world into famine.

2,360 2,800 Major American Cities Facing 'Day Zero Water' Crisis
by ExquisiteGerbil
Jul 26, 2024 0:54:42 GMT -5
No New Posts Weird Weather, Earth Changes, & Signs in the Sun, Moon, and Stars - 5 Viewing

With so much weird weather going on, and so many unusual things happening in space, I think the topic deserves it's own sub-forum!

6,159 8,751 Mega-earthquake is poised to rock America's heartland
by Pink Rose
Jul 26, 2024 22:29:31 GMT -5
No New Posts Top News Story Videos - 18 Viewing

Pressed for time but want to know what's going on in the world? The videos here contain a summary of top news stories so you can listen while you do other things.

5,547 5,808 Watchman Newscast - 7/26/2024
by shalom
Jul 26, 2024 21:58:02 GMT -5
No New Posts Bible Prophecy Updates - 2 Viewing

There are some good commentaries and blogs about stories in the news that whereas can't be classified as actual news per se, give excellent insights into things happening in the news. This is the place to discuss them, including video commentaries of any length.

10,935 11,129 The Megalomaniac Antichrist's Thirst For POWER
by Midnight
Jul 26, 2024 21:06:31 GMT -5
No New Posts Seen anything interesting? Tell us!

I've been noticing things lately that are upsetting and show the lateness of the hour, but are not in the news...just things around town.

Have you seen anything interesting that you think might be significant that you want to share with us? Post it here, and please include the name of the town or city. This board is open to guest posting, for those who want to share info but are hesitant to register. (Spam WILL be removed and ISP banned!)

151 450 Is Joe dead???
by BoB
Jul 22, 2024 17:58:52 GMT -5

Politics and the NWO

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Politics and the NWO - 2 Viewing

A place to discuss world politics as well as world events that are leading us into a One World Order.

3,967 5,306 France HUMILIATED by Olympics opening day shambles
by Pink Rose
Jul 26, 2024 22:34:53 GMT -5
No New Posts Politics in America - 7 Viewing

Let's discuss politics in America, the loss of freedoms, political scandals, and more. If you're not American, what do you think of what's going on in the US?

15,514 19,325 Trump launches brutal attack on Kamala Harris
by Pink Rose
Jul 26, 2024 22:24:27 GMT -5
No New Posts Political Blogs, Cartoons, & Opinion Articles - 4 Viewing

This is the place to post items that are political blogs or opinions as opposed to actual news articles.

9,643 10,222 Why Moderate Muslim EdHusain Can't Discuss Muslim Jew-Hatred
by schwartzie
Jul 26, 2024 16:49:25 GMT -5

Signs of the Times

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Apostasy & False Teachers, Prophets, and Religions - 3 Viewing

Let's expose the unfruitful works of darkness and Satan appearing as an Angel of Light and call upon the Church to practice discernment!

“Discernment is not simply a matter of telling the difference between what is right and wrong; rather it is the difference between right and almost right.” -Charles Spurgeon.

Sub-board: References & Resources

5,200 18,457 How To Get Drunk In The Holy Spirit? And Stay Drunk?
by Midnight
Jul 26, 2024 2:32:43 GMT -5
No New Posts New Discoveries in Science, Technology, and Archeology

Not only is "knowledge increasing" at a rapid rate, as Daniel said would happen in the Last Days, but new discoveries in archeology are proving the veracity of the Bible. Post your finds here.

1,065 1,362 Mercury May Have a 10 Mile Thick Mantle of Diamonds
by ExquisiteGerbil
Jul 25, 2024 17:58:00 GMT -5
No New Posts Get Your Tin Foil Hat Ready!

UFOs, Crop Circles, Project Blue Beam, HAARP, Secret Societies, conspiracy theories....it's all here! This is also the place for as-yet unsubstantiated news stories and general weird stuff.

2,675 3,959 What Did He Just Say? 😳 Freudian Slip?
by Midnight
Jul 25, 2024 4:17:18 GMT -5

The Media Room: Books, Videos, Movies and More

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts The Book Nook - 1 Viewing

A place to review and discuss books - primarily Christian, but other books that might be of interest to Christian readers as well.

107 249 The Indoctrinated Brain - Dr. Michael Nehls …
by ExquisiteGerbil
Apr 23, 2024 2:13:08 GMT -5
No New Posts The Media Room

Share your videos, on-demand radio programs, music, etc. here. Apostasy/false religions videos & radio programs may go in the apostasy forum regardless of length.

Sub-board: Music

7,270 9,432 "Revelation" - New song just released today!
by Honoria
Jul 26, 2024 20:18:39 GMT -5
No New Posts Picks & Pans: Movie Reviews - 4 Viewing

Seen any good movies lately? Want to warn Christians away from an ungodly one? Post your reviews here.

119 338 'Star Wars' Officially Jumps the Shark with Lesbian Witches
by maybetoday
Jun 12, 2024 23:17:24 GMT -5

Fun & Fellowship

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Fun & Fellowship - 3 Viewing

Share your stories, jokes, anecdotes, family pictures, and more here.

16,238 18,912 Cute and Funny Memes
by Pink Rose
Jul 26, 2024 22:40:21 GMT -5
No New Posts Happy, Warm & Fuzzy News

It seems most of the news today is frightening, sad, and/or depressing, but there are still good things happening in the world. This is the place to post joyous, uplifting, and happy stories from the news.

296 343 Boy Who Fostered MotherCat & Kitten Weeps As He Finds Out...
by Shoshanna
Jul 21, 2024 21:00:52 GMT -5
No New Posts Weird, Unusual, & Funny Stories in the News - 1 Viewing

There are lots of amusing and some outright bizarre stories in the news these days. They have no prophetic relevance, but they're fun to read, so post your finds here.

419 571 The World's funniest HUSKY 😁 Funny Dogs Video 2024
by bloodbought
Jul 13, 2024 21:57:32 GMT -5
No New Posts Satire, Hoaxes & Scams - 3 Viewing

There are lots of great satirical articles out there these days, although sometimes it's difficult to differentiate them from real news! If you come across a story you think others will enjoy reading, want to tell everyone about a "news" story that's just a hoax before they spread it around, or warn others of the latest scam, share it here.

2,859 2,872 It Wasn't a Coup, Just Democracy! (JP Sears)
by ExquisiteGerbil
Jul 26, 2024 1:11:50 GMT -5
No New Posts The Man Cave

A special place for the guys to talk about tools, sports, cars, and other manly man things.

1,125 1,162 Mud Bog - Jefferson County PA Fair 2024
by ExquisiteGerbil
Jul 24, 2024 2:06:48 GMT -5
No New Posts The New Jerusalem Mall - 8 Viewing

Ladies, stop by for a cup of tea and some girl talk - fashion, fun, advice, questions, and more.

Sub-board: Household Help & Hints

692 898 The 25 HOTTEST Crafting Tricks Everyone's Copying in 2024!
by Pink Rose
Jul 26, 2024 22:38:34 GMT -5
No New Posts The Pet Park - 2 Viewing

Here's a special place to brag about our furry and feathered bundles of love from heaven, post pictures, ask advice, and more.

302 386 4 Reasons Why Cats Put Their Butt In Your Face
by maybetoday
Jul 20, 2024 22:21:59 GMT -5
No New Posts The Heavenly Feast - 12 Viewing

Have a favorite recipe you'd like to share? Looking for a recipe? Just want to talk about food? This is the place for you!

Sub-boards: Breakfast, Appetizers, soups, and salads, The Main Course, Side dishes, Pies, breads, muffins, donuts, etc., Cakes and cupcakes, Cookies, brownies, and bars, Misc. desserts, snacks, and drinks

5,447 5,760 Sloppy Joe Casserole
by Honoria
Jul 26, 2024 21:04:27 GMT -5
No New Posts Temple Maintenance Department - 5 Viewing

"Know ye not your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit?" This is the place to talk about heath, nutrition, and exercise.

Sub-boards: Covid Plandemic: The Rules, the Masks, the Jab, the Side Effects & More, The Shrink's Couch: Mental Health Forum

1,775 2,019 Researchers Find Precise Way To Kill Cancer Cells
by Berean
Jul 11, 2024 22:30:19 GMT -5

Links & Kinks

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No New Posts Links to Other Sites - 3 Viewing

Have a favorite End Times blog you read regularly? A news site that tells the real story? Tell us about it! Post the URL and a brief description of the site.

156 189 14 Best Deep Web Search Engines to Find What Google Can’t
by ExquisiteGerbil
Jul 20, 2024 23:12:03 GMT -5
No New Posts Somebody, anybody....HELP!!!

I see in the introductions that we have some engineers and computer geeks here. Have a problem or a technical question? Maybe someone can help!

89 154 How to disable Copilot in Windows 11 and Leo in Brave
by ShofarSoGood
Jun 20, 2024 16:44:55 GMT -5

While Waiting For My King...

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Arlene's Blog

I love to write, and thought I'd create a place for me to express my thoughts and opinions on various subjects while awaiting the arrival of our precious King.

7 36 What Will You Do About Jesus?
by PrisonerOfHope
Dec 24, 2023 15:24:20 GMT -5


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Registration isn't required to use the Shoutbox, but we will NOT tolerate spammers, foul language, or anyone trying to defend false teachers or doctrines. Such posts will be removed and the user permanently banned.
Jim La Marca: In other words, you don't want to hear any opinions that conflict with yours. Is that right? Jun 12, 2024 17:46:20 GMT -5
PrisonerOfHope: No Jim, that's NOT right. We do not permit anything that's contrary to biblical truth. In a world where the majority of professing Christians are false converts and the church is pretty much apostate, our mission is to expose false teachers, false prophets Jun 12, 2024 21:27:50 GMT -5 *
PrisonerOfHope: and false doctrine as well as the blasphemies and heresies that are rampant among those who claim to be Christians in these last days. We aim to bring people to the Lord if they're not saved, or closer to Him if they are, and point out errors that are Jun 12, 2024 21:35:16 GMT -5
PrisonerOfHope: detrimental to their spiritual health. Unfortunately most end times sites are rife with sensationalism, idle speculation, false prophecies, and forbidden practices, which are not permitted here except to expose them for what they are. If you Jun 12, 2024 21:36:41 GMT -5 *
PrisonerOfHope: have a problem with the promotion of biblical truth and exposing the false practices and errors which unfortunately are very popular in today's professing church, I suggest you take it up with the Lord, because you have some serious issues. Jun 12, 2024 21:37:23 GMT -5 *
PrisonerOfHope: Incidentally, before you question my qualifications to discern false doctrine and heresy vs biblical truth, I have a Masters in Bible Studies from one of the country's leading, biblically sound seminaries. If you don't like our rules here, there are many Jun 12, 2024 21:53:21 GMT -5 *
PrisonerOfHope: boards out there where you can indulge yourself with false prophecies, heresies, and blasphemies to your heart's content all day long. Jun 13, 2024 3:31:00 GMT -5
ExquisiteGerbil: I'm not posting Wretched Watchman's update today. He's off on one of his "politics are a waste of time and a distraction" rants. He really should stick to the subjects he's good at! Jun 19, 2024 2:20:01 GMT -5
J.J.Gibbs: There's no prophecy update from John Haller today. Jun 23, 2024 22:12:15 GMT -5
PrisonerOfHope: I posted this in the tread about anti-Semitism, but I'll also post it here for those who don't read that thread. There was an incident on a beach in Sarasota, FL yesterday, not far from Charlie Gerrett's (The Superior Word) home. The gentleman relating the Jun 24, 2024 0:10:56 GMT -5
PrisonerOfHope: incident is Sergio, who is a completed Jew. Jun 24, 2024 0:11:09 GMT -5
PrisonerOfHope: youtu.be/QxGyBZalzfg Jun 24, 2024 0:11:11 GMT -5
ExquisiteGerbil: I didn't post NY Prepper - his updates were very, very long. Ain't nobody got time for that! Jun 24, 2024 2:16:51 GMT -5
J.J.Gibbs: It looks like John Haller didn't do a prophecy update today. Jun 30, 2024 17:28:17 GMT -5
ExquisiteGerbil: I'm not posting Wretched Watchman's video tonight - he's off on another of his "don't bother voting it's all theater rants." Why other ministries have him as a guest is beyond me. He needs to stick to topics like New Age. Jul 7, 2024 1:50:41 GMT -5
J.J.Gibbs: I started to watch him, EG, but couldn't take it. He's a young guy who thinks he knows a lot more than he actually does. I agree - he needs to stick with what he knows and has researched, not spout off his political opinions. I don't care for him much. Jul 7, 2024 20:07:22 GMT -5 *
J.J.Gibbs: Actually, even on the topics he's researched, Billy Crone is a far, far better source of info. Jul 7, 2024 20:08:30 GMT -5
PrisonerOfHope: I looked in on JD Farag. Sadly, he's doing the same. Jack Hibbs has the best, most balanced position on politics. Jul 8, 2024 0:57:45 GMT -5
shalom: I don't know what's up with TV7, but instead of 2-3 programs a day they've been doing only 1 every few days for the last couple of weeks. Jul 15, 2024 22:37:40 GMT -5
ExquisiteGerbil: Wretched Watching is having a Trump hate fest tonight. I didn't bother watching, and I won't post his video. He needs to stay away from politics! Jul 23, 2024 22:45:39 GMT -5
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