I couldn't find the Youtube video but I did find this article:
Rick Warren’s Religious Communism
Part 1
Karen Pansler-Lam, J.D.
Why doesn’t Rick Warren openly admit he’s a communist?
Like Jim Jones, Rick Warren has beguiled and bewitched many professing Christians into blindly joining his cult of religious communism.
When a man persuades millions of professing Christians into following his corrupted communist interpretation of the Bible…it’s a religious cult.
When a man persuades millions of professing Christians to rebel against evangelism and replace it with communist activism…it’s a religious cult.
When a man persuades millions of professing Christians to rebel against righteousness and holiness and replace it with communist good works…it’s a religious cult.
Generally, cult leaders have charisma. Hitler was an animated orator and won the people with his powerful words of persuasion. However, Rick Warren lacks charisma. He has a bland personality and appears to be of average or below average intelligence. So, how did this man bewitch millions of professing Christians into joining his cult of religious communism?
First, what is a cult?
In 1948, The New Century Dictionary defined cult: “Worship, now, a particular system of religious worship, esp. with reference to its rites and ceremonies; hence, an instance of a fixed, almost religious veneration for a person or thing; esp. as manifested by a body of admirers.”
Then when politically correct indoctrination began, The American Heritage Dictionary (1980) added a new definition of cult: “1. A system or community of religious worship and ritual, especially one focusing upon a single deity or spirit. 2. Obsessive devotion or veneration for a person, principle, or ideal.”
Unquestionably, the first definition of cult as focusing on a single deity or spirit is meant to persuade us into believing Christianity is a cult. Liberals are liars who purposely redefine words, rewrite history, and reinterpret Scripture to force them to fit their evil agenda.
The second definition describes what happens when people begin to worship a person or ideal. For example, in years past, persons worshipped diabolical men disguised as saviors: Hitlerism, Stalinism, Leninism, and so forth.
And now we have another cunning and diabolical man disguised as our savior – Rick Warren. And many professing Christians worship him and his PEACE plan that promises to bring peace on earth. Hence...Warrenism: the worship of Rick Warren and his religious communism.
Undeniably, Warren’s devious master plan is to transform the church into a militant religious army to destroy nationalism and build an international communist government – a one-world government. And Warren is brainwashing professing Christians into becoming militant activists of Global Communism.
To begin this series, we will compare Warren with another cunning and diabolical cult leader who used religion to preach communism...Jim Jones.
Jim Jones and Rick Warren
Not surprisingly, Rick Warren and Jim Jones have something in common; namely, communism.
Jim Jones was bewitched by communism and purposed in his heart to demonstrate his love for Marxism. In his own words, Jones’ explained in a biographical recording…
“I decided, how can I demonstrate my Marxism? The thought was, infiltrate the church. So I consciously made a decision to look into that prospect.”
Surprisingly, a Methodist superintendent welcomed Jones into the church with full knowledge Jones was a communist.
Whether Rick Warren was a communist before going to seminary is unclear. Possibly he was indoctrinated with communist ideology in seminary. But, like Jones, he purposed in his heart to demonstrate his communism by infiltrating religion.
Surprisingly, the once conservative Southern Baptist Convention, Assemblies of God, Church of God, and other Evangelicals welcomed him with open arms and embraced religious communism. And today they not only embrace Warren...they worship him. This worship is Warrenism. And Warrenism is communism.
Warrenism is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. It appears to be Christian, but it is really the devouring gospel of communism. Warren is working to help bring all nations under bondage to Global Communism.
Briefly, under Global Communism, national independence is destroyed and countries are enslaved to a global government. For example, even now some United States National Parks are controlled by the United Nations. These U.S. parks are called “World Heritage Sites." In other words, the parks don’t belong to the United States; they belong to the world community.
Can you see how cunning politicians are confiscating property from nations in the name of global community? That’s communism!
Warrenism: A Classless Global Community
In 1956, Jim Jones opened his first Pentecostal church and named it Wings of Deliverance. But later that year he renamed it the Peoples Temple Full Gospel Church. In order to increase publicity, the Temple organized large religious “conventions” with other Pentecostals to disguise the fact that he was using religion to further social goals, not preach the true Gospel.
The Temple stressed egalitarian ideals, asking members to attend in casual clothes so poor members would not feel out of place, and providing shelter for the needy.
Likewise, Rick Warren asks members to wear casual clothes supposedly to make church welcoming to sinners. But his true purpose is to stress egalitarian ideals. If we all dress down it is a step toward a classless community. Not just a classless economic society, but also a classless cultural community.
Warrenism promotes a classless community by encouraging us to dress down.
Warrenism: Social Services, Not Salvation
Also, Jim Jones provided shelter for the “needy.” And Rick Warren stresses good works such as helping the needy in his diabolical PEACE plan. Wolves in sheep’s clothing know the best way to prey on professing Christians is to get them to idolize them for their humanitarian works.
In 1959, Jones’ church joined the Disciples of Christ, and was renamed the Peoples Temple Christian Church Full Gospel. And in the same year, Jones began his “us versus them” message. And he carefully wove in the message that the Temple’s home for senior citizens was established on the basis of “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need,” quoting Karl Marx’s “Critique of the Gotha Program.” He knew that Christians would recognize the similarities with Acts 4:34-35 stating “distribution was made unto every man according as he had need.” Jones repeatedly cited that Scripture to paint Jesus Christ as a communist, while at the same time attacking much of the text of the Bible.
And in 1960, the Temple opened a soup kitchen for the poor, and expanded their social services to include rent assistance, job placement services, free canned goods, clothing and coal for winter heating.
Later, Jones and his church were praised for aiding the cities’ poorest citizens, drug addicts, and the homeless. The Temple established strong connections to the California state welfare system. In the 70s, the Temple owned and ran nine residential care homes for the elderly, six homes for foster children, and a state-licensed 40-acre ranch for developmentally disabled persons.
And the Temple’s public profile was further elevated when Jones was appointed to the Indianapolis Human Rights Commission.
Are you beginning to see the numerous similarities between Jones and Warren?
Rick Warren also preaches an "us versus them" message. Who are "them?" Bible Christians or those who believe in the fundamentals of the Bible. In a January 8, 2006, interview in the Philadelphia Enquirer, Warren stated: "Christian fundamentalists will be one of the biggest enemies of the 21st century."
Clearly, Rick Warren sees Bible Christians who hold to the basic foundational doctrines of the faith as enemies. And he has instructed pastors and other church staff to bully and demean congregations into submission to communism or deal with them harshly.
Just as Hitler had his Gestapo, Warren has his Gestapo...
Church Transitions, an associate of Saddleback Church in California, trains the Warren Gestapo initiating the change:
1. Identify those who are resisting the changes;
2. Assess the effectiveness of their opposition;
3. Befriend those who are undecided about the changes;
4. Marginalize more persistent resisters;
5. Vilify those who stay and fight; and
6. Establish new rules that will silence all resistance.
www.nowtheendbegins.com/pages/cults/the-purpose-driven-church-rick-warren.htm At the end of this message, go to the link to hear the audio of Warren admitting he learned how to develop campaigns for his church from the communists.
Moreover, Warren boasted he is a member of the Illuminati’s Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=53688The mission of the CFR is to redefine American policy and have us – the United States - join a global government.
Undeniably, Warrenism intends for us to become enslaved to a one world government of communism. Global Communism is contrary to the Bible as clearly evidenced when God scattered man to quash his building the Tower of Babel.
And Warrenism is just another name for redistribution of property and wealth. In other words, the working nations must provide the “needs” of the lazy nations because we are a world community….communism.
And United States land does not belong to Americans…it belongs to the world community.
Warrenism demands greater government intervention to seek a more equal distribution of “needs” - property and income - among the members of the world community.
Warrenism seeks to establish a new classless society collectively controlled in the interest of the whole people – the world community…Global Communism.
Warren’s Outline of His Evil Empire
Just as Hitlerism was outlined in Hitler’s Mein Kampf, Warrenism is outlined in Warren’s PEACE plan.
Basically, Warrenism is the abolition of poverty, unemployment and social classes, and the sharing of all the wealth of the world community. This is to be achieved by ensuring an adequate minimum for all, and to limit within reasonable bounds the degree of inequality above this minimum. A minimum standard of living – hence, global government welfare where the productive nations, such as the United States, provide for the lazy persons and lazy nations – the “needy.”
Warrenism’s communist manifesto is his PEACE plan. In his manifesto, Warren maps out his evolutionary plan from a class to a classless society; from a national citizen to a global citizen, from individual responsibility to communal responsibility.
And his purpose-driven communist propaganda is the vehicle for social change, and followers are his “change agents.”
Warrenist propaganda has been, above all, an attempt to bring the organized church over to a faith in communism, to permeate the churches with communist ideas, and to create a New Church Order with communist doctrines.
Jim Jones wrote a booklet “The Letter Killeth” pointing out the contradictions, absurdities, and atrocities in the Bible, but also stating the Bible contained great truths. Jones preached that the “Divine Principle” equated with love, and love was equated with socialism.
Warren wrote The Purpose Driven Life using countless corrupted Bible versions to deny sound doctrines and support communist doctrines. Warren preaches love and love is equated with globalism. The Purpose Driven Life is religious communist propaganda of mind control and behavior modification disguised as Christian teaching.
In sum, like Jim Jones, Warren realized the way to achieve social change in America was to mobilize the people through religion. And Warrenism is a cult with an overtly political message of global communism.
Like Jim Jones, Rick Warren has beguiled and bewitched many professing Christians into blindly joining his cult of religious communism disguised as Christianity.
Jones did not reveal his gospel was actually communism until the late 1960s.
Now is the time for Rick Warren to openly admit his social gospel is actually Global Communism.