Post by PrisonerOfHope on Apr 6, 2020 1:54:24 GMT -5
Oy Vey has been very busy - he gets this week's prize for yet another "This is absolutely, positively IT!!!!" date. "The Lord's Supper : Tuesday the 7th of April 2020"
I will be observing the Lord's Supper, with my family, on Tuesday evening on the 7th of April 2020 [Day 14 Month 1] Then I'll watch, with eager anticipation, for the Lord to come for us in the Rapture, 3 days later, on First-fruits, on Friday the 10th of April, 2020 [Day 16 Month 1] Paul knew all along that the Lord Jesus Christ would come for us on First-fruits! This is why he wrote: "I received a tradition from the Lord, which I also handed on to you: on the night on which he was betrayed, the Lord Jesus took bread. After giving thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this to remember me.” He did the same thing with the cup, after they had eaten, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Every time you drink it, do this to remember me.” Every time [on Day 14 Month 1] you eat this bread and drink this cup, you broadcast the death of the Lord UNTIL HE COMES." [1Cor.11:23-26][Words in bracket are mine] "UNTIL HE COMES" is referring to the Lord Jesus Christ coming for us on First-fruits, 3 days after we observe the Lord's Supper on Passover my brothers and sisters! This is it! We're going home! *** "GET READY FOR THE RAPTURE WINDOW [Sunset the 9th of April - Sunset the 10th of April]"
"But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the first-fruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. But each one in his own order: Christ the first-fruits, afterward those who are Christ’s at His coming." [1 Cor.15:20-23] The Lord being the first-fruits of all those who have fallen asleep means they're in Him in the same way a full grown man exists [though hidden from view for a period of time] within a new born baby. The Lord is also the first-fruits of those of us who are currently on earth now. This is because we have "...the first-fruits of the Spirit..." [Rom.8: 23] What this all boils down to is that the Lord's life is our life and our life is the Lord's life. In effect, the Lord's birthday is our birthday and our birthday is the Lord's birthday. This is why it's so important for us to know on what day our Lord's resurrection occurred, for that day is also our birthday! We're able to pin point the 5th of April 33 AD as the day of the Lord's resurrection. This is, on the 3rd of April 33 AD, after the Lord was crucified, a blood moon appeared over Jerusalem. torahcalendar.com/The Lord's birthday is on first-fruits, on the 5th of April 33 AD. This was the day the Lord received His glorified body. From this date the Lord has been able to breath eternal life into anyone who believes from the heart that He is the only God of heaven and earth. In other words, that He's the Everlasting Father in human form! Now, here we are, 2,000 Years later and our Lord Jesus Christ is getting ready to celebrate His birthday with us. He couldn't do it before now because all us hadn't come into existence yet. Now we all have! This is why, on the Day our Lord inaugurated the Holy Supper, He said: "...I will no longer drink of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God.” [Mark 14:25] "that day" is first-fruits! It's the day the Lord will celebrates His birthday, which is also our birthday, from having the first-fruits of the Spirit. "Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed—in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." [1Cor.15:51,52] "...the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord." [1Thess.4:16,17] I'm absolutely convinced that we're going to receive our glorified bodies within a 24 hour window. This will be anytime from Sunset [Jerusalem Time] at 19:04 on Thursday the 9th of April 2020 and Sunset [Jerusalem Time] at 19:04 on Friday the 10th of April 2020. Here are the links to when the Rapture window will start and when it will end. By the end of this Rapture window I'm not expecting us to be here. See you all at the Wedding Banquet!!! *** "The Rapture Window"
As of today, the 5th of April 2020, we're just 6 days away from going home in the Rapture! Get ready for the 24 hour Rapture watch window!!! *** "PROOF THE THE ACCEPTABLE YEAR OF THE LORD HAS BEGUN"
As of today, the 5th of April, 2020, we're just 6 days from the Rapture occurring on the 10th of April 2020 The 7 Year Tribulation began officially on the 26th of March 2020. This Date also marked the beginning of the Acceptable Year of the Lord! The Day of Vengeance, First-fruits and the Last Day are ALL refer to the same Date - The 10th of April 2020. If anyone has any doubt that Judgement is about to begin, please think again. Now notice how the death toll from the corona virus, in the US and the UK escalates significantly from the Day marking the beginning of the Acceptable Year of the Lord! 24th of March 2020: Death toll from CD-19: 197 25th of March 2020: Death toll from CD-19: 252 26th of March 2020: Death toll from CD-19: 265. 27th of March 2020: Death toll from CD-19: 398. 28th of March 2020: Death toll from CD-19: 485. 29th of March 2020: Death toll from CD-19: 376. 30th of March 2020: Death toll from CD-19: 605. 31st of March 2020: Death toll form CD-19: 908. 1st of April 2020: Death toll from CD-19: 1069. 2nd of April 2020: Death toll from CD-19: 929. 3rd of April 2020: Death toll from CD-19: 1084. 4th of April 2020: Death toll from CD-19: 1331. The following is the death toll in the UK, from CD-19. 22nd of March 2020: Death toll from CD-19: 48. 23rd of March 2020: Death toll from CD-19: 54. 24th of March 2020: Death toll from CD-19: 87. 25th of March 2020: Death toll from CD-19: 43. 26th of March 2020: Death toll from CD-19:113. 27th of March 2020: Death toll from CD-19: 181. 28th of March 2020: Death toll from CD-19: 260. 29th of March 2020: Death toll from CD-19: 209. 30th of March 2020: Death toll from CD-19: 180. 31st of March 2020: Death toll form CD-19: 381. 1st of April 2020: Death toll from CD-19: 563. 2nd of April 2020: Death toll from CD-19: 569. 3rd of April 2020: Death toll from CD-19: 684. 4th of April 2020: Death toll from CD-19: 708.
Post by PrisonerOfHope on Apr 8, 2020 2:34:14 GMT -5
Rody the Date Setting Devil and Flat Earth Freak is back, once again saying "THIS IS IT!!!!" Forget it, Rody - with your false gospel of works, you're not going anywhere! The Rapture Of Elijah & The Rapture Of The Church.
Elijah has to show up in Israel in Passover because he was raptured in Passover, now i understand why the Jews reserve a seat at their table for Elijah in Passover, it's Prophecy to be fulfilled. The Great Tribulation starts after the Great escape in Passover. The 42 months that the antichrist was given to rule start shortly after Passover. Listen to the end to fully understand. Some of the comments:
rodyd61169 1 day ago (edited) They are censoring my channel big time, they aren't showing the real numbers nor notifying many subscribers, i caught them cutting down the number of views the other day were my video had 945 at that point and then later not only didn't go up but numbers went down, they are managing and damage control the current situation, internet will be shut down as soon as we leave. (I wish they'd shut all these phonies down!)*** Amen !My brother I feel Jesus is at the door. The Lord showed me yesterday that the bride is in a 40 day purification. Could be going home any day now!👰 *** I just received within my spirit, the following RHEMA WORD: "For I am changed. I am changed. I am changed beyond anything else I have been. I have been. I have been. I have been. I have been changed. I have been changed. That change has occurred in me. The change has occurred. It has occurred. The change has occurred. It has occured. For all mankind shall see this change. This change will be seen by all around the world. The world will see this change. This change is about to be. The change is about to be. The change is about to be. Be not afraid. For I AM there, beside you, guiding you, helping you. I AM.". *** I just received within my spirit, this powerful RHEMA WORD: "It is important that you understand the laws of gravity, for they are about to change. The laws of gravity are about to be changed. The laws of gravity are about to be changed. You are about to be transformed. You are about to be transformed. You are about to be transformed. You, and the body of Christ, are about to be transformed. Fear not, for I AM the LORD. I AM the LORD. I AM the LORD. I calleth you forward. I calleth you forward. For you are about to present yourselves to ME. For I AM the LORD. I AM the LORD. I AM the LORD. I AM the LORD.". *** I just received within my spirit, the following RHEMA WORD: "I calleth you forward. I calleth you forward. I calleth you forward. For your name has been called. Your name has been called. For the LORD knows you. HE knows you. HE knows you. HE calls out to you, MY child. The LORD calls out to you. For you are amongst MY Chosen. MY Chosen. MY Chosen. MY Chosen. For you are among MY Chosen. You are amongst MY Chosen. Fear not, dear child. Fear not, for the LORD lives inside of you. HE lives inside of you. The LORD lives inside of you. Pray. Pray. Pray. Pray. Pray. Pray.". *** 4.6 earthquake yesterday where they crossed!! 46 strongs Mighty One fly!! *** YES! When two or more come together in my name, there I am. I agree. The dead raise up at Passover, just as the dead woke up at the crucifixion. We go up at Passover Sabbath/Nisan 17. *** Jesus said there are 12hrs. in a day. 12 months in a year. Jesus told the Disciples can't you stay awake 1 hr.? 1 hour is 1 month. Silence in Heaven about half an hour, 15 days. So if Nissan is the Month to stay awake, up to 15 days will be silence in Heaven then the Lord will come. *** Most are unaware that tomorrow 4-7 is 40 days from the 71 years of the UN, Beast system, and 40 days and 21 years from the date the Pope addressed the UN and claimed leader of All Nations. *** Wow I was just reminded of the scripture that no man knows the day or the hour. But maybe we know the month! Not date setting but, wow! *** Woah Roddy I'd seen this number earlier and I didn't use it in my video, I know why, because it's to prove your 42/42. 2424 means JESUS and so we can see 4242 as an antichrist number, an inversion with his 42 months showing twice. From and including: Thursday, 28 August 2008 (8/8/8 satanic mockery of Christ)... Obamas acceptance speech at his Altar of Zues and the beginning of his "Thank you Satan!!!!" chant. To and including: Wednesday, 8 April 2020 passover!!!! Result: 4242 days wow!!!!! *** days ago in my dream i did hear: 668 ... *** Are days be change it the 8 off april blow the sun down are goverment does this just woke up 16 hour cout down. At 300 15 min be 12oi clock is midaday *** The 2 bears. The first is most likely a great financial bear market where the economies of this world are devastated. Few are still around who remember the Great Depression of 1929. My father was 11 when this happened and they lost everything. The 2nd bear, I agree, is Russia. *** The rapture of Philadelphia church (2 witnesses= the restrainer = Manchild entity and the woman of Revelation 12 ) is about to occur this season , we are very close, opening the access (key of David) to rapture kids few weeks after Philadelphia. Symrna (the rest of The bride) will follow the rapture of the kids 10 days spiritually (of persecution) after,,, according to Jesus Christ supreme plan. Lucifer was thrown to Earth on 28 March 2020 [Nigeria Meteroite at Akure]. Luke 10: 18. And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. The Media was covering the incident as much as possible to confuse the ppl who are watching the apocalypse timeline. The departure of the 2 witnesses ( bearing the Spirits of Moses & Elijah) is now at hand , the true church of Smyrna will note it thru the departure of the kids+ the big earthquake that will occur ( same hour spiritually after their rapture) while the true believers who know will glorify the LORD till their rapture time. The 2 witnesses are Adam & Eve reverted, applying the prophecy of Genesis 3 - (after acknowledging the blood of Jesus Christ in their mission)- daily witnessing to the LORD on the behalf of others thru reversing the first sin of Adam's & Eve preferences to let Lucifer in to humans life & losing the divine place. *** Praise God! Another witness! The waters parting are a type of of God opening the door that no man can open. We are Christ's body, His bride, like when a man and woman who've been married become one flesh. On First Fruits (Resurrection Day) they went to the tomb. The stone was rolled away (another type of a door that no man can open.) They looked for His body but it wasn't there, all they found were the garments, and they were bewildered. Think of it HIS BODY (BRIDE) HAD DISAPPEARED! HALLELUJAH! *** Lol! Kleck's video today was so good!! But in case you don't have time to see it..... From July 6/7, 2019 when he had the event in Grand Junction Rainbow/Casimir, to April 11/12, 2020 representing passover third day/resurrection day will be 280 days which is a full term pregnancy!! Lines up with what you are showing!! Definitely a strong possibility!! *** Hark I hear the ark
Post by PrisonerOfHope on Apr 8, 2020 2:40:16 GMT -5
This Passover is it !!!
Several details linking this Passover to the Rapture and the appearance of Elijah in Israel for Seder. The time has run out and the Master of the house is at the door. Are you ready ? Some of the comments: (Not too many yet - he just posted this an hour or two ago.) Dont be shocked if we have to wait until Pentecost on May 31st ok guys. *** What day you think it will happen? I’m excited! *** rodyd61169 2 hours ago I think the 10/11 *** @rodyd61169 That looks like October 11.... you mean to say April 10 - 11.... *** Trump and Pence is a shadow of the 2 witnesses (now the 2 witnesses are about to be raptured after finishing their mission). Trump impeachment was a shadow of the death and resurrection of the 2 witnesses. 222 is a number related to the 2 witnesses, no relation to the channels who use that number in their names. The 2 Benjamins in Israeli elections are also a shadow of the 2 witnesses. That is why no matter what happens in the elections, no one can win without the other. They have to work together. Benoni (Benjamin's name from his mother) means son of my pain = shadow of the personal tribulation of the 2 witnesses= sackcloths. While the father called him Benjamin = son of my right hand which means that they are representatives of the power of GOD. (Man Child) I wouldn't be surprised if I find out that the 2 witnesses have Egyptian origin or from places around Egypt. This Passover is the time of the rapture of the 2 witnesses(= church of Philadelphia and the restrainer). The tribulation starts right after their rapture. The innocent children will be raptured at the 2nd Passover. Then all the faithful church (Church of Smyrna) will go through 10 days spiritually (could be 10 months physically) of tribulation and persecution. Then the rapture of the church will take place. The whole matrix (life system) is full of messages about the 2 witnesses. Almost every movie for the last 20 years is talking about different aspects and pieces of information about their personal lives GOD Bless. *** I think is December 30 2020
Post by PrisonerOfHope on Apr 10, 2020 0:05:34 GMT -5
The Date Setting Devil & Flat Earth Freak - Rody - has been very busy lately! He's another pile from him... The 3 Crossings to Rapture.
Apr 8, 2020 rodyd61169 Three times dividing the waters, Three times crossing, Three steps to Rapture: 1)Leaving Egypt (leaving the worldly life) 2)Reaching the promise land (Salvation by faith in Jesus) 3)Ascending to Glory as Elijah (The Rapture) Observing the first month as a commandment has a clear purpose now revealed by the Lord's grace. Departure !! A few of the comments:
Hello people of YAH this was my Rapture dream in October 2019.... The scene is dusty... skyline is red from the red sun but the clouds covering it are tanish brown from ashes maybe it dusty...I see a tank in the distance and I do see a flag on the tank...I really cant remember the colors at that moment I feel that a bomb is about to be drop or a big explosion is about to happen and BOOM I'm lifted up and out of earth's dimension and into a Alaskan Oasis...I'm in a sitting position on the green grass my head is down with my eyes closed (because it was like I was bracing for the bomb to go off) when I opened my eyes I saw snow capped mountains green mountains beautiful trees streams and lagoons...I just said to myself I made it...then I looked around and thought it should be cold but it was perfect I crawled into the lagoon and the water was perfect too...then I woke up😇🙏😇🙏😇🙏🥰🥰🥰...when I woke up I was just like wow Father thank you for that dream....although was so excited about the dream I was saddened because noone was there with me my children friends noone....Brothers & Sisters in Yahusha Hamashiach please keep me in prayer...I dont say pretrib or posttrib...I just tell you the dream or night vision I had...🙏😇🙏😇🙏 ....I've had other dreams but I always see suffering war invasion Martial law ..but I see me preaching and casting out demons and healing.... *** I just received within my spirit, the following RHEMA WORD: "You have arrived at your destination.". *** My spirit is jumping up and down like an excited Bride waiting for the waters to part and be raptured. *** Jordan/Red Sea/Rapture Born In the flesh/Born Again in the Spirit/Born into the Kingdom!!! *** Immediately after viewing this video, I received within my spirit, the following RHEMA WORD: " I taketh you from this place.". *** Please Pray for me Roddy i just don't want to be left behind. Mention my name to Yahweh, (If he keeps following Rody and his false gospel of works, he WILL be left behind!) *** Love this video brother Rody !!! ❤️✝❤️ I am thinking that : When Our Father in Heaven ; Made the Sun - Moon and Stars in Genesis - that ; When he created the moon - he created it a Full Moon !!! As the celestial calendar says - " Every month will begin at a Full Moon " - that ; Places April 7 - 8 th as the 1 st day of the New Month - and New Year - Rosh Hashana - at the Full Moon !!! Count 14 days to Passover is April 21 - 22 nd !!! Count 3 more days to Resurrection is April 24 - 25 th !!! Still in the month of Abib !!! *** Rody, your research is very much possible. The Muslims celebrate their feast Ramadan beginning at 23rd April. At that time period it is much possible that the Antichrist will show up. So the Rapture must happen before🙏 Thank you for your encouragement ❤️ God bless you all *** How beautiful and pure! No gematria or numerology !! God told us to watch and be ready, that He would show us all the signs, Here we are! So ready to go home! I chose to remain "as a child"all these yrs, and not try to wear shoes too big for me. Haha.and confuse my life with divination and kabal magic.. There are so many who have..Churches are teaching this evil stuff. Like standing or sitting inside circles, using candles, false teachings, false idols, false faces. Those people need to clean those things up and ask forgiveness now, because this is it! (How about he cleans up from following this false teacher with a false gospel?) Hey, I sometimes have a hard time imagineing our bodies "going up"to meet the Lord in the clouds. But i never have a hard time imagining Jesus coming down to this earth. I wonder why? Oh well, we will see soon enough! Praise Him! Thank Him! He never lies. Amen! Thank you Rody. *** rodyd61169 1 day ago I've had visions of us going up literally flying up at a tremendous speed, trust me we are going up in the clouds. (I wouldn't trust Rody if he tole me the sky is blue!) *** @rodyd61169 Oh, i believe you, i just never had these visions. A few yrs ago, i had this friend, here in Thailand. He was an Iraqi christian, He told me every night he would fly all over the world, in his dreams. So did my Thai wife. I gotta tell you about this Iraqi man. He would burn through a pair of shoes every 2 weeks..up at 3AM, scouring the beaches, parks, streets, for alcohalics, prostitutes, drug addicts, poor people, injured people..anyone just to share the Lord with them and get them saved. He called Missionaries to help him, some would come and see his 300+ saved souls and just tell him, You got too many, You gotta slow down". He was amazing...One day God told him there was a christian girl who just got a job at a massage parlor and she was in trouble...He went to this old place, walked in , seen her cross she wore, and told her, ""Get your things, God told me to bring you out of here". WOW! I was feeling down since mid December when the Thai Government told us all to get out, but some of us have been here many years. Soon,, flights in and out were on lock down, neighboring countries all shut down their boarders. They were not helping us, they were charging us"over-stay penalties for each day we could not get out, and forcing us to stand in long lines for hours, to try to get an extention to our VISA. Well, so many were so scared they would get this "fake flu" many were getting pictures to the Medias and putting pressuse on this Government, and finally, last night, they issued an anouncement that all would get a free extention until planes were flying again, and boarders were opening. AMEN! I can stay here until we go up! I so glad i didn't have to go back to the USA after 10 yrs out. Its so bad there. Thedevil has to tell you whathe is doing. Well, Trunp keeps saying "Many are going to die this week, MANY..But I hope we can get this finished up by Easter". Something is planned this week....I pray for those believers there! Prepare all Americans! *** Before several years i had a dream i didn't understand, but now this dream is coming to pass: From my sleeve and from inside my clothes came out little purple parrots in the size of my thumb. I felt big love for them, they were hiding in me, but the time to separate has come and i had to let them out. They were so many, i made a basket to put them all in to be safe but i saw cats that are hiding and circling around, waiting for me to go away from them to attack, i thought if i put them in the basket they will be easy pray, one of them bit me on the finger and i got it closer then i saw that they are little purple parrots, they looked so sweet, i loved them so much. I wanted to protect them but i knew i must let them on their own. I knew some of them won't survive the cats and i didn't want to think like that, i just wanted all of them to be safe. The dream ended. Imagine, little purple parrots are our brothers and sisters who will miss the first rapture. The cats are the hunters. A well grown strong fast cat vs a little parrot... 9/4/2020 Latest dream: We were many people gathered and saw something in the sky, on the left there were many circle holes to another dimension, the sky was dark but through the hole you can see a beautiful blue sky with rainbow, on the right side i saw the planets, we all knew that this is the rapture and stretched my hands to the sky and i stayed God take me away, on the right side where were the planets i saw something green and jelly like a virus came down on earth on the same time as the windows of rapture was there, and the next thing was i was left behind windows of rapture closed and everything passed, i didn't see nobody going up, and i was disappointed. Next thing bullies attacked everyone. Mass chaos started. There was my brother who was bullied from another person, i hit the other person, he attacked other friend of my nobody could not defend himself, i told them don't let him hit you, i was ready to fight him but he didn't want to attack me, i was the only one who he could not attack bcz he know that he will lose against me. *** Here about 85 miles north Georgia USA here is 5:17pm now and people are and look super happy every one driving in the streets like the Virus is either gone or they feel the virus has no power over them Iam telling today is Wednesday Is supposed to be Shalter place no body out side except the the asencial this is crazy 😜 here happpaning Right Now Stay Home if you don’t have to go out side This is no F***ing Virus this is the Wrath of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Post by PrisonerOfHope on Apr 10, 2020 0:28:15 GMT -5
Good Grief has certainly been busy as well - 3 videos today alone! The Loony Tunes are out in full force, it seems. Watching Nissan 17--April 11th!! 711-117
First Fruits and Nisan 17th There is a strange connection between New Beginnings and First Fruits and Nisan 17th. Yeshua was resurrected 3 days after his death on Nisan 14th on Nisan 17th on the 8th day. First Fruits and Resurrection Sunday was the greatest of all New Beginnings… Let us consider the other New Beginnings • Nisan 17, Noah’s Ark safely rested on Mt. Ararat (Gen 8:4) Note that the seventh month was later designated as the first month at the time of the Exodus (Ex. 12:2). • Nisan 17, Hebrews entered Egypt (Exo 12:40-41) 430 years before deliverance. • Nisan 17, Moses led the Israelites through the Parting of the Red Sea (Exo 3:18, 5:3) • Nisan 17, Israel entered and ate the first fruit of the Promised Land (Joshua 5:10-12) • Nisan 17, The cleansing of the Temple by Hezekiah (eight hundred years after entering the promised land. (2 Chronicles 29:1-28) • Nisan 17, Queen Esther saved the Jews from Elimination (Esther 3:12, 5:1) • Nisan 17, The Resurrection of Messiah The odds of just two of these events both happening accidentally on the same day of the Hebrew year (360 days) are one in 129,000. The odds of these events all happening coincidentally on the same day of the Hebrew year are one in 783 quadrillions, 864 trillion, 876 Billion, 960 Million (783,864,876,960,000,000). A few of the hundreds of comments from her followers who are still on the 717 nonsense:
JESUS IS COMING. OMG OMG.OMG.OMG. LOOK I JUST UPLOADED THIS. ITS URGENT 2 MIN WATCH YOURE GONNA FREAK *** The Rebbi's birthday is going to be remembered on the 18th. And We are just like the Hebrews when the devil had pharroh keep them SHUT UP. Now the true body of Christ is being denied by the world's leader's to GO OUT and worship the Lord. It is just like it. And it is Passover and RESURRECTION week. Yep me too. *** sister - the 1st month (april) is also called the 7th month. i was told this but i am no expert so i cannot saymore on why. 717 *** An also a 717 did you know on the civil calander Nissan is actually 7 so 717 redemption come lord Jesus Christ! *** 7 is the 4th prime number. 711 could represent 411. Why do you dial 411? The simple English gematria of KJV Genesis 1:1 is 411. Interesting coincidence. lol, if you believe in coincidence. I'd be listening for information on that day. "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches;" occurs 7 times in the KJV. *** I heard a trumpet/ shofar last night. It woke me up and I was wide awake and heard it clearly. I was so excited I ran to the window. God told me it was to give me hope! Rapture is soon! *** I got a text from my husband phone saying I'M ON MY WAY!!!! He didnt text me that? I asked him he was bewildered🙏🙏🙏 and again at 10 minutes till midnight last night I heard a loud train sound again!!!!! Where I live there are no trains. *** I feltreally strange this morning. I told my husband , l feel like lm leaving my body and going into another dimension. I felt something tugging me. Just strange. A few nights ago l was laying in bed and l woke up to my legs moving and it feltnlike l was in the air *** I have been seeing 117 almost everyday in the weirdest places ever since August of 2019... this is so weird *** Amen !! I HAVE BEN SEEING 117 AN 17 FOR A LONG TIME NOW ITS CRAZY !! *** April 26th is the 117th day of the year and also the very last day of the 80 days by strength minus the 7 year tribulation period, using a 360 day Jewish year. *** I had a random message on my phone too from my game wich doesn't make sense it said is there a baby about to be born!! Right after listening to others saying about the 11th like I felt jesus pointing out to me ********** THE DRAGON (GATES) WILL NOT DEVOUR THE BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A few of the comments:When the baby is about to be born, it’s said “the baby’s head is crowning”. Crown - Corona. Crown - the crown on the Woman’s head in Rev. 12. Crown- we will be given a crown for “loving the Lord’s appearing”. *** I took a pic of the rising full moon the other day. I looked for the moon on my sky map. I was floored when the moon was about to be birthed out of Virgo. It was literally in the belly. I screenshot it. I thought exactly what you are saying.. ❤ *** The bill Gates of hell 😈 *** The Gates of Bill shall not prevail against the Church! *** I had a flash dream last night that I received my marriage certificate with gold trim on it ,in the mail !❤️ *** Thank you for your thoughts. You are so right we are the baby. And the dragon will try to stop our birth(rapture) but thank you Jesus, You won’t let him! The pains are getting really strong and more frequent. So it can’t be long! Can’t wait to meet you sister❤️🙌🏻🙏🏻 *** amazing....I JUST added 1260 days to the 11th and it landed on Sept. 23rd, 2023 ! and i had read earlier something from NBC where they are floating the idea of Obama being VP to Biden and i thought of the dragon.....Come Lord Jesus! *** I just had a vision when I read that and saw Obama laughing and smiling as Biden publicly reintroduced him before the public as his VP and the crowd going crazy and loving it. Kind of wondering if the Antichrist is Bill Gates too because his statements on reducing the population with vaccines.. *** Wow because it's 932 days from rev 12 sign and Obama shall be 23 x 932 days old on Saturday too Tee. *** I had a dream last night that time was very short....I knew it was the end very soon in my dream...I was walking into the cockpit of an airplane talking to the pilot and when I walked out I knew that any minute the pilot was going to disappear and there was going to be sudden chaos...but the next scene was me seeing like a painting of the Titanic and I saw an image of a person about to fall over into the deep waters....I immediately heard Gods voice saying daughter I speak revelation to u....then the next scene was people running around and the water started to flood into the boat...it was all like a timed sequencing event and I knew that the ship couldn’t be flooded until Jesus had his timing perfect...the next scene I saw Jesus stepping onto a cloth that contained a drinking glass underneath the cloth...the sound of the glass breaking was what I remember kind of like what happens at a Jewish wedding but it was Jesus stepping into the glass...he was barefoot and the blood dripped from his foot...the next scene was a river flowing and there were glasses being filled with his blood and I knew that these glasses were going to people in the last moments before the chaotic scene of the Titanic sinking....in this dream I also Saw Satan and he said the words SIN...and he blew smoke into our faces....the smoke spelled out the words SIN....I kept hearing this over and over again...he thought he had defeated us but that was when I saw Jesus step onto the glass and began to fill the cups with his blood...This dream is so symbolic of sooooo many things...I woke up crying because I felt Jesus’s love for us and it was so strong....I feel like we are so close to God coming for us...I had this dream before the night of Passover which I think is really symbolic too....I also heard like Jesus saying a ceremonious calling out kind of like when the Catholic head priest says in a dramatic way...but I knew it wasn’t Jesus it was someone else....and he said the word Papal...I didn’t know what it meant so I looked it up and it means of or relating to the Pope...I know this has to be God showing me this because I didn’t even know what the word Papal meant!!!...lol...there was a lot in my dream going on trying to remember it but that was most of what I remember... ********** On this one she's just sharing the video that someone gave her.URGENT PROPHESY NEWS PASSOVER!
Some of the comments:Pack your bags! We’re going home! *** I'm sorry but you CAN NOT take anything marfoogle says seriously!!!😂😂😂 I tried for a solid year giving him a chance and I couldn't do it any longer than that its cringe worthy the amount of false information he stirs up!!! Not saying its false about antichrist revealing himself, i just need a waaaay more reliable source than marf!!!! *** VICARIOUS FILII DEI... FOR WHEN THY MOTHERS WATER BREAKS APON YOUR CRUSTS SHALL FEEL THY QUAKES AND WITHIN YOUR MOUTHS AS DRIED UP LAKES PRAYERS UNTO THE LORD FOR GOODNESS'S SAKES FOR I AM HERE AND ALL ARE FAITHFUL CREATIONS TAILS OF ENDING FABLE BEND BEFORE THEE AS THY TABLES AND EAT FROM THY GIFTS AS TRUTH U.N.SHAMEFUL...ALLMEN I I AM I AM THAT I AM I AM ALL THAT I AM I AM THE LORD SO SAITH I AM I AM SO SAITH THE LORD I AM I AM WHO I SAY I AM I AM WHO I AM I AM I I AM BECOME AS DEATH I AM ***
Post by PrisonerOfHope on Apr 11, 2020 0:12:42 GMT -5
This guy is convinced a dream he had years ago is prophetic. These people are really full of themselves! "Dream of USA Planes Crashing, Dream of the USA Epidemic Tied Together"
Readers - Last week I reposted about a dream that I had on March 12, 2016 of a dangerous and highly contagious epidemic coming to the United States. A link to a posting from 2018 is found here: The night before, I also had a dream that was on repeat. I had the dream many times over the course of the night. It was also a predictive dream of planes crashing all over the United States all at the same time. Here is the text from my notes: "All night (the morning of March 11, 2016) I dreamed of planes crashing all over the USA. A lot of them all at once. It was the topic of discussion with many other people. In the dream I met a stranger with whom I spoke. He spoke with a clear Jamaican accent and was talking about it. He may have been in a plane accident himself, but he survived, but honestly, I don't know who he was or what his story was. What he said exactly was lost to me when I woke up. One of the distinctives about this dream was that I dreamed it all night, over and over. " **** This USA planes crashing dream was followed the next night by the dream on repeat of a dangerous epidemic coming to the USA. Both dreams are tied together and so it is reasonable to believe they are closely related. According to my records, I've only had one other set of dreams that occurred on successive nights. I'll have to dig those notes up later. We haven't seen a lot of planes simultaneously crashing in the States like I saw, (yet, thankfully) - but, since dreams can also be highly symbolic, it's possible the real meaning of the dream may be about the "crashing" of many USA airline companies. This seems to be a real danger due to the economic fallout from the Covid19 lockdowns and it has come up in the news several times. Readers, you also might remember another prophetic dream named "The Dream of the Atrium", which was complex and mysterious. I theorized that parts of the circumstances that were shown in the dream might indicate a financial collapse coming to the USA and what would happen when it did; including what the Lord spoke to me about it. You can find that info and the appropriate links here: "800 million people ....Immediately" The “Dream of the Atrium” can be found here:
Post by PrisonerOfHope on Apr 11, 2020 0:18:31 GMT -5
Another deluded dreamer. "My Walmart Dream"
Dear John, I had you post this for me in December 2012. Over the years I have had terrible feelings whenever I have had to go into WalMart. I think my family thinks I am goofy because every time I have had to go to WalMart I remind them of this dream. It left a lasting impression on me. I have never forgotten it. I have tried to avoid going into our WalMart, but since some of my family's prescriptions are there, I have to go in to get them. It REALLY gives me a foreboding feeling everytime I enter the store. I can't stress this enough. With the virus outbreak our WalMart has regulated customers going into the store. The last time I went to pick up a prescription, a couple of weeks ago, I went during the early morning "old people" hours. It was very strange. People were pushy and the food aisles were jammed. As in other posts I have seen, many shelves were empty of product. Many products had limits on what you could buy. Then today, April 3, 2020 our Local news station and the local paper ran stories that said as of Saturday, April 4, there would be a limit of only 5 people in the store at a time. Our store is a super center. There was a picture with a firetruck parked out in front blocking the entrance. Large barrels and yellow tape ran the length of the front of the store. I assume (don't know this for certain) that there are some type of officers who will enforce this. The article said that there will be single one way aisles taped off throughout the store (this is the way it was in my dream). You can only go in one direction, even if you forget something. People will only be allowed to enter (one by one) as someone else exits the store. Our local WalMart is always packed with people. It is basically the only place to shop in the county. There are a few local groceries but WalMart is the place to shop for clothing, pharmacy items, etc. I can't imagine how this is going to affect people. With everyone having to stand 6' apart, I can't even image the length of a line to get into the store. My dream haunts my thoughts. It is always in the back of my mind. I KNOW it was a warning of the days we are living in. With the talk of making a vaccine mandatory, I am at a loss for words. Please would you repost the link of my previous dream along with this post. I leave it up to you whether you wish to leave this anonymous or use my name.
Post by PrisonerOfHope on Apr 11, 2020 0:24:25 GMT -5
And yet another nut... Prophetic Dream Reveals What God Is Saying About Trump and the Coronavirus
Prophet and respected (By whom?) author Jeremiah Johnson is claiming that he recently received a prophetic dream about President Donald Trump and the coronavirus (COVID-19). Johnson shares about the dream, which he received on March 16, on my podcast today. He says that in the dream, he was taken to a baseball stadium, where he saw a slender man who was demonized at the pitcher’s mound. In the batter’s box was none other than Donald Trump, wearing a pinstriped New York Yankees jersey with the number 3 on it. Johnson immediately recognized that as Babe Ruth’s number. When he looked at the scoreboard, Johnson saw the count was 3 to 2—and Trump was two strikes in. “I knew in the dream that the demon-possessed pitcher intended to throw a fastball right past Donald for a strikeout,” Johnson says. “As I held my breath and watched the pitch come out, I was suddenly stunned to watch the ball be slowed down by a supernatural force in the air. And by the time the ball got to Trump, it was going very slowly, and he hit the ball out of the park for a big home run. “In the dream, I heard the voice of God say, ‘The enemy has intended to strike out Donald Trump at a very critical hour in history. But behold, supernatural help is on the way, for I will slow down the advancement of the enemy and allow him to knock this out of the park. For it is simply a matter of time before the victory.'”
Post by PrisonerOfHope on Apr 12, 2020 23:52:47 GMT -5
It's getting really crazy out there, and I expect higher-than-normal eschatomania from now until Pentecost (unless we actually are raptured before then). So, put on your hip waders and your spiritual hazmat suit, and welcome to the nutty side! Here's The Numbers Nut again with yet another "THIS IS IT!!!" date. BTW, considering as there are remote tribes of whom the outside world has no knowledge of their existence, I think it's safe to say that GOD ALONE know the precise population of the world. He seems to think there's some sort of power or supernatural meaning to a population number comprised solely of 7s, but that's nothing more than numerology and superstition. "World Population Clock rolled over 7,777,000,000 between Good Friday and Easter Sunday"
The World Population Clock at: www.worldometers.info/world-population/ rolled over 7,777,000,000 between Good Friday and Easter Sunday. From Good Friday 10 April 2020 to the 'LAST DAY' of 5780 on 18 September 2020 will be 162 inclusive days. 162 is the gematria of the 10th tribe name on the Breastplate (‘BENJAMIN’). The sum of the gematrias for the 10th ('BENJAMIN' 162), the 11th ('MANASSEH' 395) and the 12th ('EPHRAIM' 331) tribe names equals the Greek gematria for ‘JESUS’ (888). From the ground breaking ceremony for the New World Trade center on 4 July 2004 to 11 April 2020 will be 5760 days. The 5760th day from the Winter Solstice of the Jewish year 5760 was 28 September 2015. This was the date of the 4th Blood Moon eclipse of the last Tetrad. 5760 is the sum of the four sides of the square around my 'Circle of Time' where the area of each one-degree segment equals the circumference of 4524. The diameter equals the 1440 minutes in a day. It does look like the 'LAST DAY' of 5780 may be our 'LAST DAY' here on Earth. (And how many times have we heard that from that nut before?)
Post by PrisonerOfHope on Apr 13, 2020 0:08:13 GMT -5
And yet another "THIS IS IT!!!!!" date from The Wingnut. "The Fuse Is Lit"
<Daughter of God> received the message "The Fuse Is Lit" on 4/7. A question is when the explosion occurs. It didn't happen on the Passover Pink Supermoon. The next possibility is the Resurrection Day(4/12) and the last day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread(4/15-16). 4/12 in Israel is 4/11(44) in US. 44 means Death and Destruction, and O is the 44th President. 4/11 is 1/17 by the Jewish Religious calendar and 7/17 by the Civil calendar. 17 means Victory, and it's 153 by adding from 1 to 17. 4/12 is 1/18, and 18 is 6+6+6. Maranatha!
Post by PrisonerOfHope on Apr 13, 2020 0:11:16 GMT -5
A majority of Christians today are looking for a Trumpets rapture event. However, there is very little scriptural support for this proposition. The Feasts of the Lord are Prophetic The Levitical festivals of the Lord are a prophetic picture of God's redemptive plan. Paul says as much in Colossians 2:16-17. This truth has been demonstrated in Passover, Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits with the crucifixion death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus. Pentecost was partially fulfilled by the gift of the Holy Spirit. (See Note 1) Trumpets vs. Pentecost Rapture Why do I say that Pentecost was partially fulfilled ? A majority of Christians say that Pentecost was fulfilled with the "giving of the Law" at Mt. Sinai and the gift of the Holy Spirit in 30 A.D. They treat Pentecost as completely fulfilled. I simply question the general belief because I cannot find any Scriptural support for the Law being given on Pentecost. We are called to "prove all things". (1 Thessalonians 5:21) There is nothing in the Old Testament which even remotely connects Pentecost with the giving of the Law at Sinai. Moses did not associate any historical event in Israel's early history with Pentecost, as he did with Passover and Tabernacles. The name the Pentecost Feast (Shauvot) does not define its essence, as do the other festivals of the Lord. There is a teaching in Jewish tradition which connects Pentecost with the giving of the Law. It may be possible to estimate that the law was given about 53 days after the first Passover in Egypt, but it is not an event that the word of God chooses to emphasize or associate with this Feast. The Jewish traditions about the memorial day for blowing Trumpets are enticing to associate with the rapture event. Jewish tradition teaches that it will be the final gathering of Israel when the Messiah comes. It is taught as a symbol of the resurrection of the dead. They teach that the book of life will be opened on this day. There are to be 100 trumpet blasts, with the last blast the longest. The fact that the two principal rapture verses, 1 Corinthians 15:52 and 1 Thessalonians 4:17 refer to the "last trump" and "trumpet of God" are the emphatic points of interest and what connect the majority belief that the rapture is associated with the Festival of Trumpets. Paul never teaches or associates the rapture with the festival of Trumpets. However, Paul teaches that the rapture of the "Christ's own" is associated with His resurrection and first fruits. Christ was risen from the dead on the festival of First Fruits during the Feast of Unleavened Bread. (1 Corinthians 15:20) The Three Orders of Resurrection Paul teaches that there are three orders of the resurrection. God has an ordered redemptive plan. By inference, we are lead to consider that Israel's three pilgrimage feasts, (1) unleavened bread, (2) Pentecost, and (3) Tabernacles are "shadows" of the resurrection of the dead. (Exodus 23:14) (Colossians 2:17) (1 Corinthians 15:20-28) Christ was raised at First Fruits, during the feast of Unleavened Bread. He is the first order of the resurrection. Then, afterward, they that are Christ's at His coming. If Christ is coming for His own, we know that this is the promise of John 14:3, 1 Corinthians 15:51 and 1 Thessalonians 4:17. It is the rapture. Christ's own is the second order of the resurrection. When is the second order of the resurrection ? On Pentecost, the next feast or on Trumpets ? Trumpets is not a pilgrimage feast. Christ's own have the first fruits of the Spirit. (Romans 8:23) So, Christ's own are associated with His first fruits resurrection. When he comes for His own, our bodies will be redeemed. (Romans 8:23) Our bodies will be transformed. (Philippians 3:20) The complete redemption of Christ's own involve two stages. First, the guarantee, the deposit of the Spirit, then second, "at His coming", the redemption of the body. The Holy Spirit was given as a deposit the moment we believed. It is a guarantee, an earnest deposit of His Spirit in our hearts until He comes for us. For if the first fruit be holy, the lump is also holy. (Romans 11:16) Christ's own are the lump. The simple inference is that Christ's own will follow Him as a first fruits type of resurrection. If stage one occurred on Pentecost, as a deposit of guarantee, why should we not expect the Lord to complete His redemptive plan for "His own" on the same feast, the feast of conclusion. Curiously, the rabbinic name for Shauvot (Pentecost) is Hag ha-Azereth, or Azereth, meaning the "Feast of Conclusion". They also refer to Pentecost as Hag ha-Bikurim, meaning the Feast of First Fruits". The Feast of Pentecost is a harvest feast, a pilgrimage feast which follows First Fruits. This is supported by Leviticus 23:10-11; 16-17. So, if Jesus was resurrected on First Fruits, He will come for His own at the Feast of Pentecost. Here is the reasoning. The picture at the Temple at First Fruits is the priests offering God the "Sheaf of Grain". They waved the sheaf of grain before the Lord. This was a pre-harvest waving of a sample of the harvest. The priests were doing this the morning that Jesus was resurrected. Imagine that ! While they were waiving the grain sheaf up to the Lord, the Lord was being lifted up out of the grave. God accepted Jesus' sacrifice. He is the first fruits of the resurrection. Now, 50 days later, the grain crops were mature and were harvested. On Pentecost the priest were charged to make two loaves of bread from the harvested grain. These loaves contained leaven. Then they waived the two loaves in the air as an offering to the Lord. The "wave sheaf offering" symbolizing Christ's resurrection is the basis for understanding the "wave loaf offering" at Pentecost. The sample of grain sheaf which is waved before the Lord anticipated the grain harvest 50 days later where the harvested grain would be baked into loaves of bread. The two acts of waving the sheaf and the loaves are necessarily related. The latter is dependent on the former. They are so related that there is a countdown in anticipation of the seed grain being transformed into loaves of bread. Jesus is the Lord of the Harvest. (Matthew 9:38) Trumpets is not a harvest festival. I believe that the two loaves made with grain represent Christ's own, not Jew and Gentile because there is neither Jew, nor Greek, for all are one in Christ. (Galatians 3:28). For God made "one new man" in Himself. (Ephesians 2:15) The two loaves represent (1) the resurrected dead in Christ, and (2) rapture of the transformed living in Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:52) These two loaves are contextually related to the second order of the first fruits resurrection. In addition to all of this, Paul says that he ministered the Gospel to the Gentiles, that the "offering up of the Gentiles" might be acceptable being sanctified by the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:16) Paul's offering up description is consistent with the two loaf offering of Pentecost. He speaks the words of a priest making an offering up to the Lord. The third order of the resurrection is at the end of the Tribulation when the Tribulation and Old Testament saints will be resurrected for the Millennial reign of Christ. (Job 19:25-26; Daniel 12:13). The third order of the resurrection occurs on the Feast of Tabernacles, the third pilgrimage feast. It is the harvest of fruits and gleanings. It is noteworthy that there is no offering up by the priests. It would appear that only Jesus and His own are lifted to heaven. Mysteries Associated with Pentecost Pentecost is also associated with the Mysteries of God, as taught by Paul. For me, this is an additional reason that I favor Pentecost, rather than Trumpets for a future rapture event. Paul does not each any mysteries associated with Trumpets. But of Pentecost, there are many: At the fullness of the Gentiles (rapture), the mystery of Israel's blindness will be removed. Romans 11:25 The number fifty is associated with fullness or completeness. The 50 day countdown speaks to completion of the harvest. The second order of the resurrection which includes the rapture is a mystery. 1 Corinthians 15:51 It is related to Christ's first fruits resurrection and completes the two stage redemption of spirit and body. Christ and the Church is a mystery. Ephesians 5:32 Christ's own were indwelt by His Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Christ indwelling the believers, the hope of glory is a mystery. Colossians 1:27 All of these mysteries have an intimate relationship with the Lord and His Own. I believe it is reasonable to associate the Feast of Pentecost with these mysteries. Conclusion I believe that it is prudent to teach all aspects of reasoned seasons for the rapture of the true Church, Christ's own. While I believe Trumpets is interesting, I am compelled to view that Pentecost is a more reasonable feast to associate with a possible rapture event. I believe that our Lord wants us to know the season of His return. We are children of light, not darkness. (1 Thessalonians 5:5) He does not want us to be sleeping, but watchful. (1 Thessalonians 5:6). He has made His planned order known. (1 Thessalonians 1:1) (Amos 3:7) (Proverbs 25:2) Chapter 15 of First Corinthians is about the resurrection of the dead and the rapture. There is no hint of teaching that the Festival of Trumpets is associated with the rapture. I believe that bible teachers should include the possibility of a Pentecost rapture when they teach about the possibility of a Trumpets rapture. Note 1: The Age of the Law commenced on Passover in Egypt and ended with the crucifixion of our Lord on Passover about A.D. 30. The Age of Grace (Indwelling) began on Pentecost A.D. 30 and will end on Pentecost A.D. 20xx with the rapture, the second order of the resurrection. This is a pattern. While I think that associating the giving of the Law at Sinai is reasonable, it is not emphasized purposefully by God. In fact, Pentecost would appear to have no application to the Jew, except the remnant Jewish believers in this Age. (blindness in part Romans 11:25) The sting of death is sin and its strength is the law. (1 Cor. 15:56). No man is justified by the law. The works of the law are under a curse. (Galatians 3:10) The law is not of faith. (Galatians 3:12) If the law were given on Pentecost, it would seem to be a contradiction to the Spirit of Pentecost which is faith apart from works of the law. (Romans 3:28) It is for this reason that I believe that the Lord God did not emphasize the giving of the law at Pentecost. Pentecost is about faith and life...in Christ, the Spirit of Prophecy, the author and finisher of our faith. Note 2: Although 3,000 souls were saved on the first Pentecost and 3,000 souls lost at the giving of the Law, these two events should not be viewed as a first and second fulfilling of the Feast of Pentecost. The Law given at Sinai should be viewed as the ministration of death (2 Corinthians 3:7) and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit should be viewed as the ministration of the Spirit. These two ministrations are contradictory and do not belong to the same Feast. The two groups of 3,000 lost and saved should be viewed distinguished as different doctrinal positions on salvation.
Post by PrisonerOfHope on Apr 13, 2020 0:21:38 GMT -5
The Terrible Theologian thinks he's some sort of genius, but admittedly he has quite a talent for execrable eisegesis and terribly twisting Scripture! "THIS PROPHECY MUST BE FULFILLED" THIS PROPHECY MUST BE FULFILLED BEFORE THE RAPTURE WILL HAPPEN ........ According to Jesus the following prophecy must be fulfilled BEFORE THE RAPTURE will happen because Jesus said that it is the 'LAST SIGN’ BEFORE His coming to rapture His Church : Jesus was asked, " What shall be THE SIGN of Your coming ?" , and Jesus answered : Matthew 24:27-29 ( Jesus speaking at His Olivet Discourse ) "For as the lightning comes out of the East, and shines unto the West so shall also THE COMING OF THE SON OF MAN BE. For wheresoever the carcass is , there will the eagles be gathered together Immediately AFTER the tribulation OF THOSE DAYS........" Jesus was warning the Jewish people of the coming "tribulation OF THOSE DAYS" which will come upon their descendants in the future because of what they were about to do to Him when He gave His last prophecy just minutes before they crucified Him when He said, "Behold, THE DAYS ARE COMING.........." . ( Luke 23:28-31 ) Jesus was speaking of HIS COMING as the Son of Man to rapture His Church "immediately AFTER the tribulation OF THOSE DAYS", upon Israel, immediately BEFORE HIS COMING to rapture His Church. The aftermath of ”the tribulation OF THOSE DAYS", in Israel, will be many dead carcasses being eaten by the gathering of the eagles. That is exactly what Jesus said would be THE 'LAST SIGN' BEFORE HIS COMING to rapture His Church. Notice that He is coming as the "Son of Man" when He comes to rapture His Church. He will come as the "King of Kings and the Lord of Lords" when He comes at His Second Coming accompanied with His raptured Church . SO THERE YOU HAVE IT : Jesus said the 'LAST SIGN' that we should watch for before "HIS COMING" to rapture His Church is the dead carcasses being eaten by the eagles, in Israel, "IMMEDIATELY AFTER" the "tribulation OF THOSE DAYS" in Israel. After the rapture the great tribulation will then come upon the whole world. According to Your Word, come Lord Jesus ! *** "JESUS COULD NOT HAVE BEEN MORE CLEAR"
JESUS COULD NOT HAVE BEEN MORE CLEAR WHEN HE SPOKE THE FOLLOWING PROPHECY .............. Jesus could not have been more clear when He spoke the following prophecy in answer to the question , "What shall be the sign of Your coming ?" Jesus answered is recorded in : Matthew 24:27-29 "For as the lightning comes out of the East , and shines unto the West , so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. For wheresoever the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together immediately after the tribulation of those days." IN ONE PROPHECY JESUS TOLD US THE FOLLOWING: HOW HE WOULD COME : "For as the lightning comes" FROM WHAT DIRECTION HE WOULD COME : " out of the East and shines unto the West" WHO HE WOULD COME AS : "so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be" ( to rapture His Church ) WHERE HE WOULD COME TO : "wheresoever the carcass is there" ( to Israel ) WHAT WILL BE EATING THE DEAD CARCASSES: "the eagles will be gathered together" WHAT CAUSED THE CARCASSES TO BE KILLED; "the tribulation of those days" ( those days of the shortened tribulation upon Israel before the rapture ) WHEN HE WILL BE COMING: "Immediately after the tribulation of those days" ( He will be coming to rapture His Church immediately after those days of the shortened tribulation upon Israel ) THEN Matthew 24:30-31 goes on to describe the details of the rapture of His Church , "and they shall gather together of His elect", *** "WHO IS IT ?"
WHO IS IT THAT JESUS SAID WE WOULD SEE COMING "IMMEDIATELY AFTER" ............. Who is it that Jesus said we would see coming ”immediately AFTER the tribulation of those days" ? Matthew 24:29-31 ( Jesus speaking ) "Immediately AFTER the tribulation of those days............and THEN shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven, and THEN ...........they shall see the Son of Man COMING......." The phrase "of those days" speaks of the shortened "tribulation” of those days exclusively upon Israel BEFORE the rapture occurs according to : Matthew 24:22 which says, "except those days should be shortened". The "great tribulation" THEN comes upon the whole world AFTER the rapture of "His elect" Church which is described in Matthew 24:30-31. SO, THERE YOU HAVE IT : Because Jesus said it you know that it is absolutely true that He will come to rapture His Church "Immediately after" Israel has experienced a shortened tribulation which is the fulfillment of His last prophecy as recorded in Luke 23:28-31 when He said, "THE DAYS ARE COMING...." in Israel. *** "DANIEL 9:26-27 FOR CORRECT UNDERSTANDING"
DANIEL 9:26-27 REARRANGED WITHOUT CHANGING A WORD FOR CORRECT UNDERSTANDING......... Daniel 9:26-27 can be rearranged, without changing a single word, for correct understanding : "And AFTER three score and two weeks (at the end of 69 weeks ) shall Messiah be cut-off ( crucified ), but not for Himself. And He ( Messiah ) shall confirm the covenant with many ( the Abrhamhamic Covenant ) for one week ( the 70th week ), and in the midst of the ( 70th ) week He shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease ( because God no longer accepts animal sacrifice and oblation for atonement of sin after Jesus sacrificed His blood for the sins of the world ). And the people of the prince ( Prince Titus of Rome ) that shall come ( in 70 AD ) shall destroy the city and the sanctuary and the end thereof shall be with a flood , and unto the end of the war ( in 70 AD ) desolations are determined. And for the overspreading of abominations he ( Prince Titus of Rome ) shall make it desolate even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate." The Apostle Paul confirms the fact that the ministry of Jesus Christ was for Him to confirm the Abrahamic Covenant promises made to the fathers, ie. Abraham, Issac and Jacob, that God would send them a Messiah. The purpose of the ministry of Jesus Christ was to confirm the promises of the prophecy of the Abrahamic Covenant with many Jews of a promised Messiah for the Jews according to : Romans 15:8 "Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision ( the Jews ) for the Truth of God, TO CONFIRM THE PROMISES mad unto the fathers." *** "HOUSE CLEANING IN HEAVEN"
HOUSE CLEANING IN HEAVEN , BY MICHAEL, DETERMINES THE TIMING OF THE RAPTURE....... Jesus said that He would prepare a place for us in heaven BEFORE He would come to rapture us to heaven according to : John 14:2-3 "In My Father's house are many mansions ; If it were not so i would have told you. I go TO PREPARE A PLACE FOR YOU. And if I go and PREPARE A PLACE FOR YOU I will come again and receive ( rapture ) you unto Myself; that where I am you may be also." Jesus delegates the authority to Michael to cleanse heaven of Satan and his angels IN PREPARATION for the rapture BEFORE Jesus raptures His Church to heaven according to : Revelation 12:7-9 "And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and his angels, and they prevailed not. neither was their place found anymore in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out , and his angels were cast out with him . " NOW LOOK WHAT THE VERY NEXT EVENT TO HAPPEN IS: Revelation 12:10 "And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, NOW IS COME SALVATION....." ( which means NOW IS COME THE RAPTURE. because now a place is prepared for the Church to be raptured to heaven ) SO, THERE YOU HAVE IT : The rapture Scriptures are Revelation 12:7-12 which will be the fulfillment of the LORD'S RAPTURE PROPHECY given to us in John 14:2-3. . *** "THE BOOK OF REVELATION REVEALS THE DAY OF THE RAPTURE"
THE BOOK OF REVELATION REVEALS THE DAY OF THE RAPTURE............. Revelation 12:10 states,"NOW is come salvation" which means 'NOW is come the rapture'. It says NOW because Satan has NOW been cast out of heaven which NOW prepares a place in heaven for the Church to be raptured . NOW means 'at this time'. Revelation 13:5 states, "And power was given unto him to continue 42 months" which means that Satan's power will continue on earth for 1,260 days AFTER he is cast down until he is cast in to the bottomless pit at the the time of the Lord's Second Coming. It is revealed that Satan is cast down to earth 42 months, or 1,260 days, prior to the Second Coming of the Lord. Therefore, it is also revealed that the Church will be raptured to heaven at the same time that Satan is cast down to earth which is 1,260 days before the Second Coming of the Lord. The Second Coming of the Lord will perfectly fulfill the prophecies of the three Fall Feasts of the Lord just as Jesus perfectly fulfilled the prophecies of the three Spring Feasts of the Lord. The three Fall Feasts of the Lord always BEGIN ON the New Moon of Tishri 1, which is the Feast of Trumpets. On God's Sacred Lunar Calendar, THE DAY that is ALWAYS exactly 1,260 days prior to Tishri 1 is : Nisan 10, which is also known as the 'Day of Palms', four days before Passover on Nisan 14. SO, THERE YOU HAVE IT: According to the information revealed in the Book of Revelation there is ONLY ONE DAY EACH YEAR that qualifies to be THE DAY of the rapture ; Nisan 10 The next Nisan 10 falls on April 22, 2021 According to Your Word, come Lord Jesus !
Post by PrisonerOfHope on Apr 13, 2020 0:26:05 GMT -5
This week's prize goes to John Tng, not only for this post, but in recognition of running a website that promotes heresy, divination, numerology, date setting, Scriture twisting, superstition, false teaching, false prophets, and all sorts of abominations. NOTE: The chapter and verse numbers in the Bible are NOT inspired...but then, try and tell that to these crackpots! "The Hidden Rapture in Psalm 120"
According to the Hidden Prophecies in the Psalms discovered by J.R. Church, the year 2020 is hidden in Psalm 120. I believe I have discovered the rapture hidden in this psalm! I will not attempt to speculate on a specific day, although the probability of the rapture falling on a Jewish feast day is always higher than a non-feast day given that Jesus fulfilled the spring feast days in His First Coming. The Rapture Word We begin by inspecting a piece of inconspicuous evidence hidden in Psalm 120. It is found in verse 2 when the psalmist cried out to God to deliver his soul. The word, deliver, is translated from the Hebrew word, natsal, which means to escape or to be snatched away. Natsal is like the rapture in the Hebrew language. Christians are more familiar with its Greek equivalent, harpazo, which means to be caught up, taken by force, as found in the famous rapture verse in 1 Th 4:17, "Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." Natsal is not as well known as harpazo as far as the rapture goes. However, the idea of a natsal escape, or removal by force, can be established with very strong scriptural types in the Old Testament. In Amos 4:11 we read, "I have overthrown some of you, as God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah, and ye were as a firebrand plucked out of the burning: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the LORD." The phrase 'plucked out' is translated from the Hebrew word, natsal. That was what happened when the angel removed Lot and family by force before fire and brimstone rained down from heaven and destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen 19:16). Likewise, Christians will be removed at the rapture prior to sudden destruction when judgment falls upon the unsuspecting world. The Hebrew word, natsal, appears a total of 44 times in the book of Psalms alone. It appears for the 40th time in Psalm 120, the hidden prophecy psalm pointing to the year 2020. After this appearance, the next appearance occurs 22 psalms further down the book at Psalm 142, the hidden prophecy psalm pointing to the year 2042. This big gap of years between the two psalms that contain the word natsal, gives us a hint that our deliverance will more likely take place in the year 2020, rather than the year 2042 twenty two years later, simply because given the world-shaking events that are going on right now, it is hard to imagine how much longer this world will last. The year 2042 is just too distant for the rapture to happen. Before the natsal in Psalm 120, another occurrence just before it in Psalm 119 verse 170 seems to shout out that something significant is coming our way. The Hebrew gematria of natsal is also 170, the same as the verse number 170 in Psalm 119. Is God drawing our attention to what is going to happen this year? 2019: Ps 119:170 natsal (gematria 170) >> alert >> 2020: Ps 120:2 natsal (gematria 170) The fact that the word natsal can be found in Psalm 120 is inconclusive of the rapture happening in the year 2020 in view of its many occurrences in other psalms. However, there are other compelling evidence in Psalm 120. The Rapture, the Antichrist, and the Tribulation The rapture takes place just prior to the tribulation when all hell breaks loose. When reading Psalm 120, does the reader get a sense that this psalm is describing the end times? From the verses, are we able to detect the veiled presence of the Antichrist who is yet to be revealed? Bear in mind the Antichrist will come out like a roaring lion ready to devour believers when the final curtain falls. Right now he is waiting in the wings biding his time. Psalm 120 is a short psalm with 7 verses, jam-packed with amazing hidden clues: "In my distress I cried unto the LORD, and he heard me. Deliver [natsal] my soul, O LORD, from lying lips, and from a deceitful tongue. What shall be given unto thee? or what shall be done unto thee, thou false tongue? Sharp arrows of the mighty, with coals of juniper. Woe is me, that I sojourn in Mesech, that I dwell in the tents of Kedar! My soul hath long dwelt with him that hateth peace. I am for peace: but when I speak, they are for war." Without trying too hard, even a cursory reading of this psalm tells us that the psalmist wants to get out of the depressing situation he is in, appealing to God to deliver him from distress, woe, and war. Are we not in the same depressing situation now? Satan and his right hand man are both number one liars. Jesus describes the devil in John 8:44, "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." In Psalm 120, the psalmist cried to God to deliver (natsal) him from lying lips (verse 2), a deceitful tongue (verse 2), and false tongue (verse 3). These descriptors triangulate on the Antichrist, a liar who takes after his father, the devil. The first Hebrew word at the opening of Psalm 120 is tsarah, translated as 'distress' in the KJV. It is translated as 'tribulation' three times elsewhere in the Old Testament. The first time tsarah (actually its root word 'tsar') is translated as 'tribulation', it refers to the latter days, that is, the end times. This is the scripture here, "When thou art in tribulation, and all these things are come upon thee, even in the latter days, if thou turn to the LORD thy God, and shalt be obedient unto his voice;" Deu 4:30 Thus, Psalm 120 sets the opening scene at the time of tribulation in the latter days when the Antichrist is raring to step into his role. The believer, represented by the psalmist, at the start of Psalm 120, finds himself in a distressing situation, not unlike in a pandemic, aka Covid-19, currently ravaging the world. Furthermore, the believer is asking God to deliver (natsal) him from the Antichrist, and from the distress he is in. Bit by bit, we are seeing mounting evidence of the rapture hidden in Psalm 120. As we read further, more and more confirmations will emerge from the verses that follow. In verse 4 of Psalm 120 we read, "Sharp arrows of the mighty, with coals of juniper." This immediately jolted my memory to what happened during the Gulf Wars in 1991 when 39 Scud missiles were fired at Israel by the Iraqi army. I wrote about this hidden prophecy in Psalm 91 more than twenty two years ago long before it became more widely known in Christian forums (see www.fivedoves.com/tng/ps91.htm). The reference to these devastating missiles is couched in less deadly metaphor by the psalmist as "the arrow that flieth by day" in Psalm 91 verse 5. These missiles, if fitted with nuclear warhead, are weapons of mass destruction. Psalm 120 seems to point to a nuclear war in 2020. It can happen either prior to the natsal deliverance of believers or shortly after. As with the "arrow that flieth by day" of Psalm 91, here in Psalm 120, the "sharp arrows of the mighty" may suggest some kind of missiles fired, with hint that they may be nuclear judging from the second part of verse 4, "with coals of juniper" (see proof near the end of this post). Given the current geopolitical situations in the Middle East and the world, this scenario is not that far-fetched. Reading on, verse 5 further intimates that this war may well be the Ezekiel 38 war, "Woe is me, that I sojourn in Mesech, that I dwell in the tents of Kedar!" One of the nations that will attack Israel in the Ezekiel 38 war is Meshech (Eze 38:2,3). The psalmist seems to clue us in to the Ezekiel 38 war by mentioning his sojourning in Meshech, one of the attacking nations. The Ezekiel 38 war is the most anticipated event next on the prophetic calendar. Many scholars believe it is the sudden destruction just prior to or immediately after the rapture. "For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape." 1Th 5:2-3 By the time the reader finishes reading Psalm 120, the idea that the rapture is hidden in this psalm appears very compelling. The thief-in-the-night snatching away of believers will happen in the midst of war and peace, wars and rumors of wars. This uneasy state of war and peace is very thinly veiled in the ending verses of Psalm 120, "My soul hath long dwelt with him that hateth peace. I am for peace: but when I speak, they are for war." Thus, amazingly, the entire psalm conceals the rapture of the saints at a time when the world is in great turmoil, mired in economic woes, wars and rumors of wars, when "evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived." 2 Tim 3:13 Psalm 120 fits the rapture scenario to a T. The Rapture & the Bride One very strong hidden evidence in Psalms 120 supports the idea that the psalmist represents the bride of Christ, the body of believers who will be raptured. Only two scriptures in the Bible contain the phrase, "the tents of Kedar", Psalm 120:5 and Song 1:5. The second scripture clearly points to the bride of Christ, typified by the main character in the book of Song of Solomon, known as the Shulamite, the bride, "I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon." Song 1:5 But the more intriguing hidden gem is found in the phrase, "the tents of Kedar". First, note that Kedar is the second son of Ishmael; his name means dark or black. So, here we see a direct link to the Shulamite bride who is described in verse 5 as "black, but comely", a black beauty if you will. Second, a deeper and more profound meaning hidden in the tents of Kedar lies in the fabric that goes into the making of the tents. These tents were made from black goat hair, the same fabric that was used to make one of the curtains that covers the Tabernacle in the wilderness (Exo 26:7). It is no wonder that the psalmist equates the tents of Kedar to the curtains of Solomon in Song 1:5, reminding us that King Solomon's Temple is an upgraded version of the Tabernacle, built by his father King David. I think you can see where this is leading. According to the writer of Song of Solomon, the Shulamite bride is likened to a tent, a curtain, a covering. As Christians, we know this amazing fact -- spiritually the church is an organic part of the Tabernacle, the vital body, or vessel or covering that conceals the glory of the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies, the two sacred rooms in the Tabernacle. This is only possible because the bride of Christ is the body of Christ and the temple of the Holy Spirit. Without a doubt, the bride of Christ is hidden in plain sight in Psalm 120. The Rapture & the Song of Ascents Next, I want to consider another piece of evidence that is no less compelling. Psalm 120 is not just another psalm. It is the first in a series of 15 psalms collectively known as the Song of Ascents, or the Psalm of Ascents, from Psalm 120 to Psalm 134. These songs were sung by the Jews during their pilgrimage to Jerusalem to present themselves before God at the three annual feasts of Israel. In Psalm 120, the psalmist expressed his longing to return to Jerusalem so that he be far from the oppressive company of evil doers. The sojourning psalmist reminds us of this well known Christian song, "This World is Not My Home". It sums up perfectly the longing of the to-be-raptured bride of Christ. This world is not my home I'm just a passing through My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue The angels beckon me from heaven's open door And I can't feel at home in this world anymore Oh lord you know I have no friend like you If heaven's not my home then lord what will I do The angels beckon me from heaven's open door And I can't feel at home in this world anymore. In Psalm 120, the believer sojourning in Meshech (the world) could not wait to return to Jerusalem to worship God, to part company with those who hate peace and are for war, and with those who delight in spreading falsehoods and lies. The sojourner of Psalm 120, in the midst of distress and tribulation, cries out to God to deliver him from evil and from evil men. The title or superscription of these psalms, Song of the Ascents, is remarkable for three reasons. First, the pilgrims of old, who lived in the surrounding cities and villages, three times annually, journeyed up to Jerusalem that sits atop the mountain. So, the pilgrims were ascending from a lower plane to a higher ground. Second, the ancient Levite singers stood around the foot of a 15-step semi-circular stairway located at the Court of the Women leading up into the entrance of the raised inner court, the Court of Israel. With songs and musical instruments, the Levite singers would sing these 15 psalms. Only the priests and Levites were permitted to ascend these steps to enter into the inner court. Third, these psalms were sung starting in a low tone of voice and steadily ascending to a higher one. Why this multiple emphasis on ascending? The imagery of journeying up the mountain or going up the staircase or singing with ascending tone are all calculated to point to one thing -- the ascending of the saints at the rapture to meet God in heaven and to worship Him in the New Jerusalem. This upward theme is encapsulated in the Ascents part of the title of the Psalms of Ascents. Psalm 120, the hidden prophecy psalm pointing to the rapture in year 2020, is itself intriguing because of the number 120. More can be said about the number 120 and its link to the number 15, the number of psalms in the Psalms of Ascents. Suffice for now to note that if we were to add all numbers from 1 to 15, the sum is 120! Perhaps this is why Psalm 120 is the first in the series of these 15 Psalms of Ascents. The number 120 is no ordinary number in the New Testament. There were 120 believers in the upper room when the Holy Spirit descended on the first Pentecost. Is it now time for the Holy Spirit to reverse the 'descension' and to ascend together with the bride of Christ at the rapture after nearly 2,000 years of grace? We don't have to wait too long to find that out. The Raptured Saint Our second last piece of hidden evidence should thrill all believers who are waiting for the appearing of Jesus. In Psalm 120 verse 4, we find this cryptic clue, "coals of juniper". Juniper is a desert shrub. Why did the psalmist mention this desert plant in verse 4 right after the phrase, "sharp arrows of the mighty"? They seem incongruent. Earlier we made this connection between sharp arrows and missiles; furthermore, we surmised that the reference on coals could imply nuclear explosion. However, there is more to the phrase "coals of juniper" than meets the eye. The Hebrew word for juniper appears only four times in the Old Testament. It last appears in Psalm 120, the rapture psalm. The word juniper first appears two times in quick succession in 1 Kings chapter 19 verses 4 and 5. This chapter records the story of an Old Testament prophet who was escaping from his enemy who wanted him dead. He was definitely in a great distress to put it mildly. He went on a day's journey into the wilderness and came to rest under the shade of a juniper tree. He cried out to God to take away his life for he had had enough. This looks very much like the distressing scenario in Psalm 120. But the kicker is this -- this Old Testament prophet is none other than Elijah, the only other saint, besides Enoch, who bypassed death and entered straight into heaven alive. If this is not a rapture clue I don't know what is. But there is more. Poor Elijah must have been so exhausted physically and mentally that he fell asleep under the juniper tree. The angel of the Lord (some scholars think he was Jesus appearing in His pre-incarnate form) came and woke Elijah up, touched him and commanded him to arise and eat. Arise is a code word for resurrection and rapture; think of it like ascending. After Elijah ate the bread and drank the water supernaturally provided by the angel, he went on his way without food and water for forty days and forty nights as he journeyed to Horeb, the mount of God. Any way you cut it, the parallel to the rapture is unmistakable. In Psalm 120, the psalmist secretly plants phrases like "the tents of Kedar" and "coals of juniper" to transmit hidden codes of the bride of Christ and the rapture of the saints in plain sight. The Testimony of Hibakujumoku I reserve this piece of evidence last not because it is the most intriguing (even though it is!), but because I found it last. Hibakujumoku is A-bombed tree in the Japanese language. Today, there are about 170 trees that survived the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. I fell out of my chair when I saw the number 170, the Hebrew gematria of natsal, the rapture. Did God miraculously preserve these trees, and in such a number too, to convey a message to watchers like us at a time such as this? You decide. Hibakujumoku are not just any trees; they are hardy trees that can withstand the nuclear blast and still survive. It turns out the juniper tree is one such tree! The evidence will be shown shortly. So our initial suspicion that the coals of juniper is a result of nuclear explosion, is proven right. According to the Wikipedia article at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hibakujumoku, with source reference, "Hiroshima and Nagasaki: The Physical, Medical, and Social Effects of the Atomic Bombings", published in 1981 by Basic Books, the effects of the atomic bomb fit the phrase "coals of juniper" perfectly: The degree of damage [to trees] was quite different by direction. At places far from the hypocenter, only the side of the tree trunk facing the hypocenter was burned, while the opposite side was frequently normal in appearance. In some trees, there were no branches on the side facing the hypocenter, while the other side had many branches. Damage to plants was found only in the portions exposed above ground, and portions underground were not directly damaged. Consequently, the root and the underground stalk put forth new buds even in those whose above ground portion was completely burned. In 1945, some 170 hibaku trees were charred like coals and burned above ground seconds after the detonation of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima and survived. Today, these trees are regenerated and continue to live. 55 species of Hibakujumoku that survived are documented in the UNITAR database; out of these, one species has the name juniper in it: Pyramid juniper (Juniperus chinensis 'Kaizuka'). The evidence that the juniper tree can survive a nuclear explosion and became charred like coal is well documented in the literature. Our initial hunch has been vindicated. The Hebrew word for bride is kallah; its gematria is 55! The conclusion is: the phrase, "coals of juniper", not only confirms that Psalm 120 intimates a nuclear war in the Middle East; today, the supernatural preservation and regeneration of the 55 species of A-bombed trees totaling 170, testifies to the coming natsal (gematria 170) rapture of the kallah (gematria 55) bride in the year 2020. Doves, we are living in exciting times! Get excited! The rapture is coming soon. If this is not the year, take heart that we are one year closer! May the Spirit and the bride say, Come, Lord Jesus! John Tng
Post by PrisonerOfHope on Apr 17, 2020 23:29:52 GMT -5
Rody the Date Setting Devil has been a very busy little heretic! He continues to set dates, never repents when he gets it wrong, just goes on to set another one. If he does get the date right it'll be pure, dumb luck, as he's set so many...not that he's going anywhere with the false gospel he teaches. People have called him to repentance on YouTube, but he's convinced he's hearing from God. Oh well, his choice... Meanwhile, here are some more fails. Israel's Birth of Benjamins as our soul is in Departing.
The deadline was extended by 48 hours, very convinient to reach last day of Passover for a (Holy Convocation) The Rachel departure mode Prophecy and the two Benjamins Prophecy in play as we speak. A few of the comments:
Thank you !!! Last night i remembered that clue from Rabbi Kaduri, " not long after the death of Ariel Sharon the Messiah will come". Well, Ariel Sharon died on 1.11.14. I was looking at what Steve has been saying about this asteroid coming in on the 29th that Elon Musk called the "doomsday asteroid"....from Sharon's death until the 29th is exactly 2300 days!! As in, Daniel 8:14 and the 2300 days to cleanse the sanctuary!! Ariel Sharon was responsible for the dividing of the land in giving Gaza to the enemy causing desolation and sacrifices. The 29th is also the 72nd birthday of Israel on the Hebcal and the 40th day of quarantine and the 120th day of the year!! But what has got my attention is that it is also exactly 2 weeks from the 15th, the 6 year anniversary of the 1st blood moon of the tetrad.....remember that boy Natan saying that there would be a loud BOOM and everyone would know that Hashem was behind it (rapture) then missiles fly but the nukes would freeze in the air for TWO WEEKS? And Ken Peters said that the resurrection and rapture happens then TWO WEEKS later electricity would be restored. I think the Rapture will have an EMP effect. Back to Ariel Sharon and your measurement of 726 days....i couldn't help but notice the 1 yr. 11 mo. 26 days because i saw the 1.11 from Ariel's death and he was born on 2.26.....so, i just thought i'd share. God bless *** Have you ever noticed that every time there is a high watch day, NASA or somebody comes up with something thats going to destroy the earth? And nothing everdoes happen, but they have their "ready made" excuse for "where did all those people go"? *** Kaduri prophesy said no government and messiah would come on next Sabath end of Passover? High Sabath *** The 7th day of Passover is a High Sabbath and begins tonight.....and today the world population will reach 7, 777, 777, 777 !! That is just INSANE!!!!! Exodus 15:16"....till thy people pass over, O Lord, till the people pass over, WHICH THOU HAST PURCHASED.".....that is US ...He purchased US with His blood!! And that passing over happened ON the 7th day of Passover. Come Lord Jesus!!! *** Amen to that!! I was just writing to Chris about 1 Thess. 4:16-17 and wondering if it may in fact be a date. (guess not!)...when the video i had paused started up to talk about that very verse then Melissa Midnight hour oil does a video on the same scripture. Come Lord Jesus! *** I have 4/16 written on a whiteboard in my office...it wasn't a date as it was 4 out of 16 but written 4/16. Things that make you go hmmmmm *** I think the comet Atlas and the asteroid on April 29 if it will cause a lot of damage will trigger the start of tribulation they say their will be more deaths on this atlas comet than the virus. Its atmosphere tail is huge and carries a lot of poisonous gas and debris .. its nearest approach to earth is 72.6 mil miles 726 means "HARPAZO" .. *** hi , It sounds maybe stupid , but 1years ago at 19april2019 I received this words vrey very clearly: its the final countdown. But I never knew how long I need to count. Maybe 1year?On that days a sister in Christ also told that she received from God that its the final countdown. I remember I found out that she told that 2days before me , on 17april 2019. and do you remember.. ? -you have received from God on 21 april 2019 (or on20april 🤔I dont know preciesely ) that it's the final countdown. I think this can be meaningfull.. and something can happen in these days.. ********** The Final Countdown.
On April 19th 2019 the Lord spoke to my spirit the words "It's the Final Countdown" and brought back to memory the Song performed by the rock band Europe, when i read the lyrics i soon realized it was the Rapture of the Church, also i found that the Album came out on the day of the Ark (Iyyar 17th) in 1986. I understand now that the countdown was a year and it started in April, my video came out on April 24th but the revelation came days earlier on the 19th and it was Nisan 14th-first day of Passover. If you can understand the spirit realm then be ready. A few of the comments:
Amen, God spoke to me also on 19april 2019 that : It's the final countdown ! I see God is talking to all nations in this time. God spoke to me-I'm from Europe. God spoke to someone from Australia also 1years ago, and spoke also to you - Rody -from US , that It's the final countdown. God is speaking to his peoples from all around the globe. How much we need to count, maybe 1year ? I don't know, but one thing I know surely: we need to be watchfull , cause like the bible says: "If you don't watch I will come to you like a thief, and you will not know at what time I'm coming to you." Revelations3:3 We are on the time when we need to stay ready and watchfull, to wait upon the Lord , cause "he will give the crown of rightesness for those who are waiting for his return." *** rodyd61169 I believe the Lord used you to remind me of The Final Countdown revelation and the timing which by now is come to a full year. *** Looking for the rap, are them coming after us. Lord bring the fire on the enemy . ROURRRRRRRRR. *** Daniel 10 vision at the river, 24th of nisan, Jesus dividing the waters... 18 April, Maranatha! *** 👰🌹🕊~ ALSO I'M GOING TO REPEAT WHAT THE HOLY SPIRIT🔥🕊 SPOKE TO ME ON, 👉8/15/18" THE MEGA QUAKE⚡💥 WILL BE THE BURSTING OF YOUR BIRTHING🤲 & 5,mts. LATER JAN. 2019, AS I WAS OUTSIDE FEEDING MY CHICKENS ABBA FATHER SPOKE CLEARLY ONCE AGAIN & THESE ARE FATHER'S EXACT WORDS.. 👑👉I'M PROVIDING A WAY OF ESCAPE THROUGH THE QUAKE ⚡💫🤲💨 *** I heard in my spirit morning of Feb 26 2020 on waking up: ITS OVER TIME IS UP! *** I have woken up at 2:17 am for the last three consecutive nights - I only noticed / payed attention to it because it was a minute past 216 which is 6x6x6. After watching your last video regarding the ark and 217 I had to come in and comment.I have been vigilantly praying for a sign for a couple weeks regarding ministry revealed's 50 day. The first night of three waking up at 2:17am the below video popped up on my feed. I asked the LORD to use my 25+ year motocross racing number (137) in combination with a 50, something I would know for certain. The video was a dirtbike (same brand bike as mine KTM's) with my same number on it 137 with 49k views. It was for the exact bike I was super excited about coming to the usa years ago before my affliction, an electric motocross bike. So I am excited for several possible dates coming up now. Thanks and God Bless. Also 137 thumbs up while writing this with 13 down and 66 comments . Also On nick vanderlaan enochcalendar he has 2/17 as the day the flood begins as May 6th. There are many high watch dates coming up its so exciting. 3/15 as the first fruits wheat harvest (50 days after passover sabbath) june1-3 ********** Are You Ready For The Rapture ?
The Rapture of the Church is inevitable now, the time of our departure is at hand. The Israeli Government will make a sudden unity decision out of an imminent attack from Iran and take the initiative of attacking first due to intel provided by their intelligence agencies, the attack will be against the Iran nuclear facility and it will blow up nuclear mushroom cloud as never seen on Earth before, it will go as far west as to the east and the World will be in panic. That's probably when our exit happens after it triggers a massive earthquake. A few of the comments:
But the church is not ready...book of Esther queen Vashti (church) does not turn up to the Kings feast she to busy doing her own things. Also Luke 14:15 the great super the Lord asks his bride to dinner but she makes up excuses. There is only people of the Church who are ready & iam afraid it not many that will make it.Including meself. *** Amein, HalleluYah, Hosanna in the Highest!!!!! HIS MERCY WILL BE POURED OUT, so take off your stupid face mask "April fools" and breathe in some Holy Spirit power. Come Yashua come!!! ♎🎺👑🌹 *** This video is addicting, I'm hoping this is not a sin. *** Thanks for sharing Rody! I truly believe that the rapture will happen tonight on the 8th day of Passover! (FAIL!)I cant wait to meet you in heaven! God bless. *** Rody, please help me piece this together. What is significant about Sept 7, 2020? This is why I'm asking... 9-11-2001 + 3468 days = 3-11-2011 The day an earthquake and tsunami hit Japan and causing the meltdown of the nuclear power plant. Now using the same formula.... 3-11-2011 + 3468 days = 9-7-2020 Coincidence? I don't understand this Jewish calendar as well as you. You're good at this. Please help. *** This music is inappropiate for this most Holy Event, BE YE HOLY! *** rodyd61169 Religiosity always make us miss the point, it is a Happy music for a happy event and besides it's the only music there is to do it, nobody else sings are you ready so let us leave the minor details behind... *** Notice our lizard overlords are heavily pushing for COVID-19 tests. Once they test everyone, they can then go door to door and drag out those on the blacklist, while saying they're infected to give them a reason to isolate them in quarantine camps in a dignified manner. This is also how they get the guns and bibles. They want 6 feet social distancing so they can get us used to being 6 feet under when we get chipped. WAKE UP PEOPLE AND NOTICE THE TROJAN HORSE COMING THROUGH THE GATES. This is the real plague, THE TRAITOR IS THE PLAGUE..Tullius Cicero Quote “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.” Watch 5G Cell Towers are Burning Around The World.. "IS THIS OUTBREAK CAUSING A MASSIVE AWAKENING AROUND THE WORLD?" on YouTube ********** There's loads and loads of other nonsense - the nearer the rapture gets, the more nuts and wackos will be crawling out of the woodwork, making the world think Bible prophecy is a joke and Christians are nuts. I'll update as much as I can, but please be aware it's time consuming and right now I'm hustling to get money for some essential repairs, including a new water heater and the insurance deductible after a tornado damaged my home. (See my update in praise reports.) If you can help, even a little, it would be much appreciated - either a donation (info in praise report), or check the Announcements forum to see the links to my Poshmark, eBay, and Mercari iistings and treat yourself to something nice while you're helping me. Thanks.There are lots more comments on these videos at YouTube. Meanwhile, just for laughs and giggles:The Rapture May 21, 2019. FINAL REVELATION. Day Of The Ark Countdown.
Post by PrisonerOfHope on Apr 18, 2020 21:07:02 GMT -5
Oh boy, a new Loony Tune that I just came across! I wonder if her "4, 5, 6" has any connection to Charity's "5, 6, 7 Jesus!" or Vincent Tan's $2.34? Apparently, she's a follower of the all-time date setting fail, Steve Fletcher, who has predicted (obviously) WRONG dates for the rapture hundreds of times. Incredibly, over 22,000 goats still follow him and hang onto his every word! These phonies from the lunatic fringe are a joke; unfortunately they make non-believers (and even Christians) think the Bible prophecy is a joke as well. Sharing a Message from Holly 2 Moons channel about April 29 *456*
Some of the comments:
Thats my Birthday what a gift the rapture would be,to spend my Birthday in Heaven😊😊😊🙏❤ *** STEVE FLETCHER 222 1 day ago (edited) I shared this comment on Holly 2 Moons channel under her video... sister, I mirrored this video on my channel, as I have been watching April 29 since world lockdown quarantine on March 20. Quarantine is 40... and March 20 + 40 is April 29. Israel´s 72nd Birthday on the Hebrew Calendar (IYAR 5) The Great Asteroid Day 120 of the year (Genesis 6:3) I also just noticed that 4/29 and 4:56 both add to 411 4/2+9 = 411 4:5+6 = 411 411... 411. anekdiégétos ► Strong's Concordance anekdiégétos: inexpressible Original Word: ἀνεκδιήγητος, ον Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: anekdiégétos Phonetic Spelling: (an-ek-dee-ay'-gay-tos) Definition: inexpressible Usage: indescribable, that cannot be thoroughly related, inexpressible *** All of this is bringing the Rodriguez prophecy back to mind, I'm sure you've heard it maybe you can repost it sir.... *** ⭐️✨✨✨absolutely Yes! I always believed we go up as the stars fall. Now I think what John saw were parts of meterorites! ✨✨✨✨✨ *** The giant RED Sphere I dreamt of 2 years ago, hail began to fall, people in cities began to panic and scatter, the sphere appeared and a voice spoke and said “We are coming! Look at the time.” I woke up and the time was 5:55 *** That is crazy incredible...wow..shocked me when he said 4 5 6 ...i think thats our answer..i pray we will b raptured..sick of this world n lies..we all know this isnt about a virus..n it cant b a coincidence that they named a comet c19 before the coronavirus even came out *** Thank you brother!...we are still in PassOver unitl May 8th...we´re still in the season. JACK COE talks about the BIG DIPPER.....HMMMM....WoW!! *** Thank you so much,,, for sharing,,, I believe rapture on 29th this month,,,, *** THE RED ONE SOUNDS LIKE WORMWOOD AND THE OTHER GOES INTO THE SEA, THE CASTING OF TWO STONES. HIS JUDGEMENT HAS BEEN MADE UPON US ALL! INDEED A GREAT REVIVAL HAS BEEN GOING ON WORLD WIDE AS SPOKE ABOUT AFTER THE CHIEFS WON THE SUPERBOWL, ITS HAPPENED NEXT GREAT ESCAPE, THEN THE FALLING AWAY ON A LARGE SCALE FROM THE CHURCH. HE COMES SO VERY SOON FOR HIS BODY, NOT THE CHURCH THE CHURCH SLEEPS. 456 IS REBUILD THE TABERNACLE THE LORD JESUS CHRIST IS THE TABERNACLE AS HIS FIRST CHURCH THE CHURCH OF ADAM RED PEOPLE ARE THE BODY OF CHRIST JESUS AND THAT IS THE BODY OF CHRIST HIS TABERNACLE, YES THE BRIDE OF CHRIST WHO ARE THE KINGS, PRIESTS, SCRIBERS, BREATH OF LIFE AND REMNANTS THE 1721 IS THE CRAFTING IN TO THE ROOT OF DAVID WHO IS THE LORD! FOR HE IS THE ALMOND BRANCH TO COME THROUGH THE FIRMAMENT! *** Pastor Tim Henderson's prophetic WORD was: "The countdown has begun.". 🎼 Prior to lockdown, whilst I was out and about, I heard the song, "The Final Countdown" by Europe (Band), on three separate occasions. In my spirit, I KNEW that it was a Divine sign. *** Im viewer 456 the number of veiws on this vid are 455 .Ive seen many reports. The y said 556 est that means ate456 youd hve to be on anisland in the atlantic bermuda or bahamas. Pence just gave the official numbers sround 640000 contracted 41000 died , suspiciously close to 666. The building kushner bougt was selling for 60 mill but hes such a great guy. He paid 3 timmes that 666 180mill *** Is this a 70 Day Warning before 29th April 2020 * STARGAZING 19TH FEBRUARY 2020 * Perfect Clear Skies - Viewing time 80 mins whilst listening to: - Joel; Amos; Obadiah; Jonah; Micah - Audible Bible. Wow...Wow...Wow... A Special night. I witnessed 3 'Coals of Fire' tonight. I have never witnessed 3 on one night before. The 3rd one was like a bright white light falling (I have never seen one like that before) so awesome to view! ALL GLORY TO GOD!!! Sometimes I can go months without seeing a coal of fire! So, it was very special to witness 3 on one night! They were not super low E.g. above the roof of my house or just above my trees in my backyard - they were a bit higher and a bit further away - but I still had a very good view of them. Normally when I see Coals of Fire, they travel horizontally. Tonight all 3 traveled vertically, straight down. In total I witnessed about 15 travelling stars/drones and 3 Coals of Fire. ALL GLORY, PRAISE AND HONOR TO OUR KING! JESUS IS COMING!!!! REPENT FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS AT HAND. Is this a 40 Day Warning before 29th April 2020??? * STARGAZING 20th March 2020 * Perfect Clear Skies. Tonight, I witnessed from the Lord a Gold Falling Coal of Fire in the night sky. Many Flashing Super Bright Gold or Silver Flashing Stars/Drones. As well, in which I have not seen in a while, many stars/drones travelling in pairs - one behind the other. It total, I witnessed approx. 11 travelling glowing or flashing stars. ALL GLORY, HONOR AND PRAISE TO OUR KING!!!! WE SERVE AN AWESOME GOD!!! On the 27th of March 2020, I was looking up into the night sky and at the time I was asking the Lord, " Is the 20th March (Spring Equinox) a 40 Day Warning? " I saw a bright star/drone travel over my house flashing in a white light. ALL GLORY TO OUR GOD. Is this a 30 Day Warning before 29th April 2020??? FLASH VISION/DREAM– 30TH MARCH 2020 at 5:49 am. I witnessed an image of the earth and approx. 5 Asteroids coming down upon it from the darkness of space. 549 Greek Strong’s Concordance means Definition: to go away, depart * STARGAZING 31ST MARCH, 2020 * Much cloud cover - some pockets of clear sky. I was looking in the direction of the moon tonight and the Lord flashed many times a white light coming from one of his stars/drones. I witnessed roughly 5 travelling star/drones tonight. Towards the end of my viewing, as it was a quiet night - the Lord flashed this MEGA BRIGHT LIGHT IN THE NIGHT SKY. ONE THAT MAKES YOU TURN YOUR HEAD AS I CAUGHT IT FROM MY PERIPHERAL VISION. I THEN WITNESSED THE SUPER BRIGHT WHITE LIGHT FLASH AGAIN AS MY EYES WERE NOW COMPLETELY FOCUSED ON THAT AREA OF SKY. I HAVE NOT SEEN THIS INTENSITY OF WHITE LIGHT FOR OVER A YEAR. ALL GLORY, HONOR AND PRAISE TO OUR LOVING GOD WHO WARNS HIS CHILDREN. JESUS IS COMING - REPENT!!!!! Is this a 674 Day Warning before 29th April 2020??? 24TH JUNE AND 25TH JUNE 2018 THE LORD SHOWED ME MEGA SUPERNATURAL ACTIVITY IN THE NIGHT SKY- All GLORY, HONOR AND PRAISE TO OUR GOD. 25TH JUNE 2018 ADD 674 DAYS = 29TH APRIL 2020. G674 From G575 and G5594; to breathe {out} that {is} faint: - hearts failing - Luke 21:26 (KJV) 26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
Post by PrisonerOfHope on Apr 18, 2020 21:18:58 GMT -5
Chelsi has been hearing voices in her head again! She talks to them, and they answer back. Word From The Lord!!
A few of the comments:I feel like we will be together in Christmas in Heaven 🤗🤗🙏 2020 *** I want to share what God has given me personally that we will be raptured in 2020. I have been dealing with health issues most of my life and they get so bad that I can’t work or do much of anything. On December 30 2019 I was crying out to the Lord asking him for deliverance or remission from my health issues. Asking Him how much longer do I have to go in such sadness everyday. I am in a lot of physical pain. Then I opened my bible and the first thing I read is Isaiah 40:2 Tell her that her sad/ warfare days are gone. Then I turned to psalm 18 and 2 Samuel 22. My hands just opened to those pages. I did not know that 2 Sam 22 and psalm 18 is a psalm of Deliverance! Then God gave me the number 859 meaning deliverance ,forgiveness, liberty and remission! Then he had me look up 2020 in strongs and it is Rescue and deliverance! Then on February 27 2020 I again was having a very hard day and I asked God if He could confirm his coming this year in 2020. With something purple that was unmistakably from him. Then He told me to Go to church. I clean at this very small church every few weeks. But I was like ok idk what could be purple at the church but I’ll go. And there were these purple crosses all over the pews and the back where the kids are that I had to pick up and organize! The church is so small they never make stuff like this. I have been cleaning this church for over a year and they never made anything like this before. So here I am at church picking up purple crosses in tears of Joy! He is coming this year I do believe it will all my heart. *** I just had a dream last night where I reunited with a childhood friend who was telling me that Jesus is coming soon. *** Amen sister Chelsi. Last night was the second time in a week I got woken up by a very loud Shofar sound. Last week it lasted about 10 seconds. Last night it lasted about 3 seconds. Just sharing. I truly believe we are very close. God bless you and your family mightily and God bless everyone else out here. MAY THE LORD CONTINUE TO PROTECT YOU ALL TODAY. Thank you for sharing Chelsi.🙏🙏🙏 *** I woke two weeks and half ago in the middle of the night too to the sound of a trumpet. It lasted for about 5 seconds at the most and oh my goodness it shot me out of bed. Really excited for King Jesus to come.🕊️ Shalom *** I heard a shofar several nights ago as well. It did not last very long, maybe 10 seconds or so, like you. I thought I was going to literally have a heart attack, my heart was beating so hard and fast, with excitement. Then, I realized it was not His trumpet...and my heart sank...God bless you. *** I heard a loud trumpet sound last night , right after I talked to God. I was so shocked I stood still and listen to it , it was fast. I really thought at that moment He was coming for is. Nothing happened and I immediatly asked my family if they heard it to which they replied no. *** I had a dream the other night and I believe it was God...heard him say “look up to the sky when ____appears”.....I couldn’t make out what the ____was....but I had a sense of extreme hurry.....then I woke up *** Hallelujah! He keeps telling me he is coming soon too. Days ago he told me EXTREMELY soon, I’ve never heard him say extremely. 😆😍🥰❤️✝️✈️🎉🥳 *** He has told me this also! Once I askwd Him if He was coming in my lifetime and He said" Of course I am don't be silly"! I alao asked Him what does He mean by soon? He said "Soon means soon"! The Lord for sure has a sense of humor! As He is in this world so are we! I am encouraged and I am so ready to leave this world! I don't want anyone to persish but I want to be with Him! God bless you sister and everyone!🤗🕊🔥💖✝️💕❣ *** I keep seeing 717 everywhere. Like it just keeps coming to me. I believe 717 means to gather in strong concordance. I can’t wait to go meet our Lord Jesus in the air! (Still going on about the 717 nonsense!)
Post by PrisonerOfHope on Apr 18, 2020 21:34:22 GMT -5
And here's Good Grief again... 3 Things Coming; Rapture, Asteroids,, Beast System
Some of the comments:I believe "something" will happen in May last year I heard "May day..May day" in my spirit. It means a distress call..and it could be the reason for the urgency to "sound the alarm" for the Gospel to go out to the lost.. I've felt this is the last generation for a couple years now with everything coming to pass too. *** Was reading Ruth today...she worked until the end of Pentecost then she got married to BOAZ *** My grandson is 8 years old and he told me 2 nights ago that God told him meteors will come Down to earth and we will all go to heaven . *** I heard the Lord saying “New Jerusalem “ 🤭👑❤️🌈 *** And probably a tidal wave / tsunami, because I had dream last year + confirmation. *** These asteroid ☄️ debris are coming from Nibiru *** I had a dream about a year ago of a comet that I knew of that was going to hit earth...I was on a bus with lots of people and we were driving as fast as we could trying to drive away from this comet that was about to hit....I was trying to save people and bring them on the bus saying hurry hurry!...as if we could outrun or out drive a comet coming to earth...lol...well anywaise after what seemed like an eternity I was like it’s never going to happen...(the rapture)....then sooner or later I began to feel the bus being pulled up into the air and it began to spin and spiral up into the air...at that point I knew God was taking us up...and then I heard the blast of the trumpet...then I woke up...I hope it’s soon...and I feel like it is going to be this year... *** What’s wrong with your eyes...? Looks like you’re conveying something in code *** Thanks for sharing Gigi! I truly believe that the rapture will happen before the end of Nisan on April 24th. God bless. *** Its no wonder God sends his two wittnesses. The deception needs to be exposed by Gods two flamethrowers. 😃 Give this a thumbs up if you support Gods two flamethrowers. 👍 These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth. And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed. Rev.11:4-5 (KJV) Oh and be sure to watch TV tonight because the WHO, (the UNs New World Order minions) are putting on a concert for Amerika and take a guess what it's called? That's right, "One World." Seriously? Watch "HOW MUCH MORE OBVIOUS CAN THIS GET... *** The Warning is coming, luminous of conscience *** Video is 7:11 Israel turns 73 on the 117th day of the year April 26th! Based on 360 day yea! 717 redemption let’s go home praying and watching! *** It bends light?? Wow that sparks a number of thoughts in my head concerning dreams many of us have had about seeing things up there.. *** Thank you BEAUTIFUL Sister Gigi for sharing this encouragement word I also have a dream Vision to share I have had this dream vision I was in the Belt loooking down where the earth was and this belt was Fallen in the Flat Earth then I woke up this happened my Vision around 2013 2014 Please take this seriously Sincerely Alfonso in Christ Jesus 🙏🏼🙏🏼😤😤🤗🤗❤️❤️👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 *** and let us keep in mind the Dimitru Duduman (proven false prophet) prophecy … when in the middle of the country multitudes of people being revolting against the govt. (which is really going on now) - we get drawn into conflict with China … and Russia will subsequently strike without warning. *** Gigi Jesus Christ gave me a Vision Dream before Easter Jesus shown me The Rapture Timeline Yes it will be this Year 2020 I was received a $5 Grand Free Check from Trump from The Gov. in my Vision Dream The Holy Spirt told me Only Buy one Item from The Check and buy the item from Home Online and don’t go crazy over the Check cause it’s a test for People so I only bought one Item in my Vision Dream and then I was shown a lot more People got there Checks is in The Mail Box from USPS then they was going crazy during Lockdown those People left there houses went to the Stores that was shutdown they broke in and Then Boom The Rapture happen cause those People was caught off guard in Sin when Jesus Christ appeared in the Sky. *** Sister Gigi I am asking you to please give me a call The Lord gave me a dream about fragments of asteroids coming down and destroying Chico California and there is a direct connection to the coronavirus involved with this The Lord showed me how the two connect together please call me as soon as you can I need to talk to you about what the Lord showed me this is important and urgent please please take this in prayer to Jesus *** Asteroids don't exist. We live in an enclosed system. Believing NASA is Promoting Satan's Agency! *** I don't trust the heliocentric universe models as the earth is flat with a dome over it.
Post by PrisonerOfHope on Apr 20, 2020 0:24:27 GMT -5
So many crackpots, so little time. As the rapture is obviously very near, they just going to get worse and worse with their insane theories, numerology, divination, and voices in their heads. So, put on your spiritual hazmat suit AND your hip waders...the Bovine Scatology this week is off the charts! A lot of the nuts are all excited about the world's population allegedly hitting 7,777,777,777 last week. Sensationalist numerology at it's best! Fact is NO ONE but God knows how many people are on earth; there are remote tribes that have not as yet had any contact with the outside world, and third world countries don't keep precise records. But hey, it sounds like it should have meaning, right? First, The Numbers Nut: "World Population Clock surpassed 7,777,777,777 on 14 April 2020"
The ‘World Population Clock’ ( www.worldometers.info/world-population/ ) surpassed 7,777,777,777 on 14 April 2020 at 12:28 PM PDT. That was 10:28 PM in Israel. 10:28 PM is the 1348th minute of a day with 92 minutes remaining. 1348 equals: 467 + 881. 467 is the 92nd prime number and the center of my ‘Prime Cross’. 467 is the sum of three different gematrias for ‘God’ (86 Hebrew + 99 Prime + 282 ASCII). Lincoln served 467 more days than JFK. From 23 September 2017 sign in Virgo to 14 April 2020 was 2 x 467 days. 881 is the center of my ‘Prime List’. It is the 153rd prime number. 881 is the 43rd number within the ‘Prime Cube’ and Obama was the 43rd different President. Noah entered the Ark at the age of 600. 600 plus 1348 equals the year of Israel’s rebirth on 14 May of 1948. 14 April 2020 was 12 x 2153 days since Israel won its War of Independence on 20 July 1949. 2153 is the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘John Fitzgerald Kennedy’. 2153 is the 326th prime number and JFK was assassinated on 22 November the 326th day of 1963. 14 April 2020 was 50 x 666 days since the Vatican became an independent nation on 11 February 1929. 14 April 2020 was 47 x 480 days since the 7.9 Alaskan Lituya Bay earthquake on July 9th (7.9) of 1958 which created the highest Tsunami wave ever recorded. 480 is the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘Obama'. 7 circles of a diameter of 480 fit perfectly within my ‘Circle of Time’ diagram. Its total diameter equals the 1440 minutes in a day. 14 April 2020 was 501 days since the 7.0 Alaska earthquake on 30 November 2018. 501 is the gematria of the 7th tribe name on the Breastplate (‘ASHER’). 501 is the Hebrew gematria of 'BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA'. 14 April 2020 was the 1290th day of the 305th Jewish calendar cycle. Daniel 12:11 “And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.” 14 April 2020 was 913 days since the circumference starting date at the bottom of my 2368 circle of ‘Jesus Christ’ (14 October 2017). 913 is the gematria of the starting word for the Bible: ‘In the beginning’. 14 April 2020 was 157 days before Rosh Hashanah 5781 (18 September 2020). 157 is the composite number gematria of 'JESUS'. ********** "WORLD POPULATION METER - The Perfect and Complete Timing 7,777,777,777"
WORLD POPULATION METER THE PERFECT AND COMPLETE TIMING Number of Humans Estimated on Earth ‘So YHVH created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. YHVH blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the Earth and subdue it; rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and every creature that crawls upon the Earth.’ – Genesis 1:27-28 The purpose if this illustration is to highlight the specific day and time that the world turned 7 billion people according to WorldOMeter website. Specifically, how the meter turned all the digits to 7’s as that is what the count was for the 7 billion value. It is believed that many who study Biblical prophecy are noting this as a possible significant marker of how the world has reached a ‘fullness’ of sorts. Why? In the Bible, the number 7 is very unique in that it is a prime number and is often considered lucky in many cultures. The number 7 is the foundation of YHVH's Word, as for example Creation is set to a Sabbatical Cycle of 7 days. April 14, 2020 | 12:28 PM PST 7,777,777,777 According to BibleStudy.com, the number 7 signifies completeness and perfection, both in the physical and spiritual realms. It derives much of its meaning from being tied directly to YHVH's creation of all things. The Bible as a whole, was originally divided into 7 major divisions. There are at least 7 men in the Old Testament who are specifically mentioned as ’Men of God’. The apostle Paul used 7 titles to refer to Christ. Jesus is quoted as giving 7 parables, etc. Jesus performed 7 miracles on God's holy Sabbath Day. There are 7 annual Holy Days of YHVH that many believe maps-out the Dispensations of time and the soon return of Jesus. In the book of Revelation there are 7 Churches, 7 Angels sent to the 7 Churches, 7 Seals, 7 Trumpet Plagues, 7 Thunders and the 7 Last Plagues. There is the resurrection of the dead that takes place at the 7th trumpet. This completes the Tribulation Period that lasts 7 years to complete the 6000-year Dispensation of time. The last 1000 years corresponds to the 7th and last Dispensation of time. It will be at the end of this Millennial Kingdom that time will cease to exist as a new Heaven and Earth are made. You see anything wrong with his source chart? HINT: The earth is only about 6,000 years old, and started with only two people.
Post by PrisonerOfHope on Apr 20, 2020 1:59:03 GMT -5
Because everything is a conspiracy. If you look closely enough, I'm sure you can find a terrible event that has happened on each and every day of multiple years. "Interesting *DATE* for the ONE WORLD, TOGETHER AT HOME concert/show!!!! "
Hi again, This concert took place Sat. evening, April 18th. So what is so significant about that date??? THIS Ladies & Gentlemen!!I truly believe such festivities were planned to be on this date and they KICKED OFF this “evil season” And I don’t have time to “get into all this” right now (though Patti’s essay above is 8 years old, it still holds true & explains it WELL!!) and just b/c rapture-watching Christians do not (should not) have a tendency to think EVIL like this – even so, it does not make this season any less evil!! All I can say is pray Psalm 91 and that the Lord will give His angels charge over us!!! Know at all times where your loved ones are!! Because – sigh, sad to say, yes human sacrifices do happen and especially during these high holy days of the evil one!! A minister & his family had to move away from a certain “land of enchantment” (tons of new age/wicca there!!) b/c witches would gather nightly and do their rituals, praying & chanting just over the hill – all the while staring at his house. This was a while back, our minister friend who lived nearby told us about it. Essay about how curses CAN be brought against Christians!! www.crosswalk.com/church/pastors-or-leadership/ask-roger/can-someone-place-a-curse-on-me-for-bad-things-to-happen.html I believe every word of it personally. I believe that I, too, have been under curses from certain people – even my once familiar friend who broke bread with me yet later kicked up her heel against me. Though she was raised going to church & went as an adult, too, weird how interested she was in the dark side. Likely, this was the very reason the Lord told me to get away from her. I admit, at the time, I did not listen (to the Lord, in sensing He really wanted me to get away from her) so therefore He arranged circumstances which would later (in a very hurtful way) end our friendship. I cried buckets “then”, but honestly as I eventually had time to look back & reflect – I realized she had not been a good friend to me anyway!! At any rate: just saying!! It’s a very dark & evil world!! And just b/c it’s springtime & we LOVE the weather, doesn’t mean the dark side doesn’t love & relish it as well. This is not to get anyone into a spirit of fear, but merely of being cautious and alert and gentle as doves yet wise as serpents. Let’s pray together: MARANATHA!!!!! May it be this year!!! Cursed, huh? The Bible tells us that “like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an undeserved curse does not come to rest” (Proverbs 26:2b). This means that foolish curses have no effect. God does not allow His children to be cursed. God is sovereign. No one has the power to curse one whom God has decided to bless. God is the only One able to pronounce judgment. But then again, we know by now to not expect sound theology from that heretical site!
Post by PrisonerOfHope on Apr 20, 2020 2:08:08 GMT -5
This dingbat comes up with dates, then changes them for one reason or another. RAPTURE ON 8th FEB 2021 AFTER 40 DAYS OF GLORIFIED MINISTRY FROM 30th DECEMBER 2020!
256 views•Apr 19, 2020 RAPTURE AT TWILIGHT Our blessed hope (transformation of our bodies) happens on 30th December 2020, then there will be 40 days of glorified ministry to warn people not to take the mark of the beast, and then the rapture will happen after those 40 days on 8th February 2021, to complete the Sign of Jonah for this generation. Just a few days ago she was saying it's on December 30. So which is it? (Answer: most likely neither!) BLESSED HOPE BADGES 1st & 2nd EDITIONS AVAILABLE!
117 views•Apr 16, 2020 RAPTURE AT TWILIGHT For just a small donation or any donation of your choice, you can receive either a 1st or 2nd edition Blessed Hope badge from this ministry. The 1st edition badges are still yet to arrive in America (I sent them 2 weeks ago, so it should be any day now) so for those who have already donated, please be assured that your badge or badges will be arriving in the next week or so. Wow, apparently people actually bought that crap!
Post by PrisonerOfHope on Apr 20, 2020 2:10:51 GMT -5
Yeah, right - everything is a sign! "Chernobyl = Wormwood"
This is a very valid translation. The fires threatening the plant at Chernobyl were said to be under control. They flared up again on Tuesday (April 14th). Please see the alarming article in the 1st link below. Whatever the cause or outcome, this a huge heads-up from the LORD. The Chernobyl tragedy happened on April 26th, 1986. 34 years ago. The anniversary is coming up this next Sunday - April 26th. The end of Nisan happens on Friday April 24th (Nisan 30). Everything that happens - good or bad - is allowed by Almighty God. Only HE is in full control.
Post by PrisonerOfHope on Apr 20, 2020 2:18:56 GMT -5
Yes, Chelsi, you got a divine revelation when you were a child because you're soooo special! Did God Give Me A Timeline Of His Return When I Was A Child?!
A few of the comments:I had a visions 11,14,2010 I HEARD God VOICE SAYING three times JESUS COMING SOON JESUS COMING SOON JESUS Coming soon. *** When I had asked the Lord if we were supposed to move to another state, I heard, "just wait and see, I'm going to do exceedingly abundantly above and beyond all you could ask or think on the other side of eternity!!! *** The lord I kn talks to children as I seen thru my 13 year old wen he prays his prayers are always answered, not once failed *** Hope this helps you out!!!! Concerning the biblical time a a generation 70years and if with strength 80 years Psalms 90 verse 10! also the last part of that verse says WE FLY AWAY *** 🌻you say ever one was dispersed evenly in the field...makes me think of social distanceing🌻 *** Yesterday I had a dream, I was laying in bed/sleeping and it was still dark outside, and I remember hearing a singular note of a trumpet, then it turned into a song, and I recognized it as the wedding march 😊 It probably won't sound like that lol, but it was just really symbolic to me of how the trumpet is gonna sound for the wedding supper *** I just had the same dream that I was going up and then I came down and I was in a black spiral like I was falling but I was at peace it had no fear what does that mean *** I also had a dream last night, after not having a rapture dream for at least 3 years. In my dream it was a warm sunny day and I was outside riding in a convertible when the dream was interrupted by the number 386. This dream ended but I had some short snippets of other dreams and each one was interrupted by the number 386. When I woke up, I looked in Strongs concordance and in both the Hebrew and the Greek it means " resurrection ". I too dont know the day or hour but looking at the bigger picture of what is happening in the world, it has to be soon. Jesus said that when these things ( earthquakes, diseases and pestilence, wars and rumors of war) begin to happen, then look up because your redemption draws near. Brothers and sisters, it is later than you think. Keep watch. *** Yes!!...I do feel you were given a time-line Lil sister!...I can't wait to get Home ❤️ see you there 🕊️ love you ❤️...btw, maybe ur dream was also showing social distancing@6ft apart in that field 🤔
Post by PrisonerOfHope on Apr 20, 2020 2:28:18 GMT -5
The image on this gem is humongous - click on the link to see it. THE NEW WORLD ORDER IS COMING
'2nd Beast if by Land, 1st Beast if by Sea' - Revelation 13:9-11 Stop the Lockdowns Poster
Post by PrisonerOfHope on Apr 20, 2020 2:43:15 GMT -5
This week's prize goes to The Terrible Theologian for this hot mess. My gosh, doesn't the owner of that site read the garbage that people submit? (Rhetorical question.He either doesn't or he's as ignorant as the people who post this junk, all the while thinking they have some incredible insights.) WE AIN 'T SEEN NUTHIN' YET !........
Jesus, in His Olivet Discourse, said that PESTILENCE in the last days, like the Cronavirus pandemic, is just THE BEGINNING of sorrows according to : Matthew 24:7-8 ( Jesus speaking ) "And there shall be famines, and PESTILENCES, and earthquakes in diverse places. ALL of these are THE BEGINNING of sorrows." AND THEN JESUS SAID IN : Matthew 24:14 "And then shall THE END COME." GOD ALSO PROMISES TO GIVE HIS BELIEVERS A FAIR WARNING BEFORE "THE END COMES" according to : Amos 3:7 "Surely the Lord God will do nothing , but ( first ) He reveal His secret unto His servants." SO, THERE YOU HAVE IT : We should consider that the world-wide Cronavirus pandemic is our warning of Biblical proportion, and that Jesus also tells us it is "the beginning of sorrows" which are coming just BEFORE THE END.. Most people would say, "balderdash", to that idea but I think that we ain't seen nothin' yet ! *** "THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION IS REVEALED"
THE IDENTITY OF THE 'ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION' IS REVEALED............. NOTICE THE SIMILARITY BETWEEN THE FOLLOWING TWO SCRIPTURES because they are BOTH describing the very same event : (No they're not!) Matthew 24:15-16 "WHEN YOU THEREFORE SHALL SEE the abomination of DESOLATION, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place whoso readeth let him understand : THEN let them who be IN JUDEA FLEE into the mountains." Luke 21:20-21 " WHEN YOU SHALL SEE Jerusalem encompassed WITH ARMIES, THEN know that the DESOLATION thereof is neigh, THEN let them which are IN JUDEA FLEE to the mountains." These two Scriptures identify the 'abomination of desolation' as the armies that are surrounding Jerusalem and are about to cause the desolation of Jerusalem which is God's holy city. DO NOT CONFLATE the 'abomination of desolation', which are the armies of desolation surrounding Jerusalem, with the following nasty guy who IS NOT the 'abomination of desolation' : 2 Thessalonians 2:3-5 "....and that man of sin be revealed, THE SON OF PERDITION , who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he as God, sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God." SO, THERE YOU HAVE IT : The anti-Christ is called THE 'SON OF PERDITION' in Scripture, and HE IS NOT CALLED the 'abomination of desolation' in Scripture . They are two separate and completely different identities with two separate and completely different missions. *** The mind boggles... Only believers will be at the Bema Seat; others will not be judged until The Great White Throne at the end of the Millennium. This guy is totally clueless."THE FIRST JUDGMENT IS FOR ALL MANKIND"
THE FIRST JUDGMENT THAT ALL MANKIND WILL HAVE TO FACE IS............. The FIRST judgment that ALL MANKIND , both the living and the dead , will have to face is THE RESURRECTION/RAPTURE JUDGMENT of Jesus Christ when He appears according to : 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10 "When the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven, with His mighty angels in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, and obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord , and from the glory of His power. WHEN HE SHALL COME to be glorified in His saints, and to be admired in ALL THEM THAT BELIEVE ." 2 Timothy 4:1 "I charge thee therefore before God , and the Lord Jesus Christ WHO SHALL JUDGE BOTH THE QUICK AND THE DEAD at His appearing." 2 Timothy 4:8 "Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord, THE RIGHTEOUS JUDGE, shall give me on THAT DAY, and not to me only, but TO ALL THEM also who love His appearing." ALL those who pass the FIRST judgment are raptured to heaven to be with the Lord forever, but then AFTER THE RESURRECTION / RAPTURE JUDGMENT those who pass will then also have to stand before the Lord for the SECOND judgment which occurs in heaven. The SECOND judgment is for ONLY THOSE WHO PASS the first judgment and are raptured to heaven. They will then face the 'Judgment Seat of Christ', in heaven, which is also known as the 'BEMA Seat Judgment' according to : Romans 14:10 "For we (who are raptured ) shall ALL stand before the JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST." 2 Corinthians 5:10 "For we ( who are raptured ) must ALL appear before the JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST that everyone MAY RECEIVE the things done in his body according to that he has done whether it BE GOOD OR BAD." SO, THERE YOU HAVE IT : The only purpose for every human life born into this life is to determine whether we, as an individual, will pass or fail the Resurrection/Rapture Judgment of Jesus Christ when He appears. if we pass the first judgment we are then raptured to heaven where we will then face the second judgment, which is the record of our life, before the Judgment Seat of Christ to determine our individual station in heaven. If we fail the first resurrection / rapture judgment of Jesus Christ, we are left- behind to dwell on the earth with Satan and his anti-Christ during the great tribulation . To guarantee that we pass the first resurrection / rapture judgment of the Lord we must choose to accept and conform to Romans 10:9-10. *** Sadly, he thinks he's a Bible scholar - and many (if not most) who read that heretical site agree with him! "THE "FALLING AWAY " IS THE RESULT OF BEING "TAKEN OUT OF THE WAY" BY FORCE"
THE "FALLING AWAY" IS THE RESULT OF SATAN BEING "TAKEN OUT OF THE WAY" BY FORCE.......... The "falling away" of Satan and his angels from heaven is the result of them being "taken out of the way" by force when the archangel Michael casts them out of heaven thus preparing heaven for "that day" to come according to : 2 Thessalonians 2;3 "For THAT DAY shall not come except there come a FALLING AWAY FIRST , and that MAN OF SIN be revealed , the SON OF PERDITION ." "that day" is referring to the day of the rapture "falling away first" is referring to Satan and his angels "falling away" from heaven "first " before the rapture can happen "that man of sin" and "the Son of Perdition" is the anti-Christ being revealed after Satan and his angels ’fall away' from heaven to earth 2 Thessalonians 2;6-8 "And now you know WHAT WITHHOLDETH that HE might be revealed in his time....only HE WHO NOW WITHOLDETH will withhold UNTIL HE be taken OUT OF THE WAY , and then shall that WICKED ONE be revealed." "what witholdeth" is referring to Satan and his angels witholding the rapture of the Church by their presence in heaven "that he might be revealed in his time" is referring to the anti-Christ being revealed after Satan is cast down to earth "he who now witholdeth" is referring to Satan now witholding the rapture "until" "until he be taken out of the way" is referring to Satan being forcibly removed from heaven by the Archangel Michael "that wicked one" is referring to the anti-Christ being revealed after Satan is cast down to earth READ ALL ABOUT IT: "AND THERE WAS WAR IN HEAVEN........" Revelation 12:7-9 Then the rapture happens immediately after the war in heaven according to : Revelation 12:10-12 SO, THERE YOU HAVE IT : The rapture happens immediately after the war in heaven causes the "falling away" from heaven of Satan and his angels as a result of them being forcibly "taken out of the way" by the archangel Michael thus preparing a place in heaven for the raptured Church as promised by Jesus . *** "SATAN WAS SEEN "FALLING AWAY" FROM HEAVEN"
SATAN WAS SEEN "FALLING AWAY" FROM HEAVEN............. Luke 10:18 ( Jesus speaking ) "And He said unto them, "I beheld Satan as lightning FALL FROM HEAVEN." SO, THERE YOU HAVE IT : There is no better witness to Satan's "falling away" than the Lord Jesus Himself !
Post by PrisonerOfHope on Apr 21, 2020 1:39:14 GMT -5
Rody the Date Setting Devil and Flat Earth Freak is back again! As always, the date will come and go (unless he made a lucky guess) and he won't apologize, just go on to set yet another one, and the goats will continue to avidly follow him. The Last Day Rapture Prophecy, Observe Abib/Nisan & historical facts point to April 24.
Israel Unity Government has finally come to a birth of the two Benjamin’s even when signing the agreement will take place after the Anniversary Of Israel which means it may never be signed due to the Rapture happening, however what was needed to fulfill the Prophecy Of Rabbi Shoshani is already in place. A few of the comments:
Passover is known as the midnight hour *** Strong's Greek 424 = To go up *** We just saw the falling away as no one went to easter service. Wake up people! Rejoice. Many are running to buy oil at 15$ a barrel. And going lower it looks. April is a 4 month. Means " Door." He came in the year 4004. ( Double doors. ) Makes sence he would return for us in a 4. Oh my Lord I'm so excited! Time to fast and seek Jesus with all my heart. Please pray for one another. *** Thanks for sharing Rody! I truly believe that the rapture will happen on Thursday night April 23rd, because a few brothers and sisters had dreams of the rapture happening on a Thursday night. I look forward to meeting you in heaven. *** HES COMING!!!!! I'VE SEEN HIM IN THE SKY!!!!! THE ANGELS THEY'RE LIVING BREATHING AND REAL AND STANDING ON CLOUDS *** I'm ready, 117 views 11 minutes 17 likes *** this thursday will be 40 days after the quarantine started. the latin root of the word quarantine is “forty”. the flood lasted 40 days, for 40 years moses fled to egypt, for 40 days moses stayed on mount sinai to receive the ten commandments and Jesus fasted for 40 days. many theologians believe the number 40 represents change. whenever 40 appears change happens. *** The lord told me to observe ,see us. *** Looks like Kim Jong Un is involved now. The military might be taking over. *** 117 likes, something about that number and 717 and 711. *** Thought Enock went up on Pentecost...God Bless *** Thank you so much Rody. This is so awesome. I’m been watching for a long time now and just beside myself I’m so excited. Something else that I thought of was Shoshoni stated that the Messiah would be revealed after that Sabbath (April 26th) which we know is the Antichrist so that is more proof that we have to be out of here before he is revealed!!! It all lines up so perfect, just like our Father God. Praise God. Hallelujah!!!! We are going HOME!!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼✈️✈️✈️ *** On 26 December 2017 the Lord showed me the words "Grab Day" in big print on a TV screen. I always felt that it had a spiritual meaning. Now I have learnt it is connected to a rapture dream and also to the ring of fire which appeared 26 Dec 2019 as a sign to the Bride. Five years ago a prophet named Lisa asked Jesus when He would come. Jesus replied "I will come in a 7 in a series of 7's. This must be referring to none other than a "weekly sabbath" in the Feast of weeks. *** Your "slurpy 711" confirmation is amazing !! *** Friday 24...wow! I am Dutch ... And the word FRIday in Dutch is VRIJdag, while ... VRIJ (in Dutch) means FREE!!! In German language it is FREItag, while FREI (in German) also means FREE!!! In French Friday = VENDREDI V. END. REDI ? V. END. READY ? V(ictory). END. READY ? The number value of the name of Jesus in the Greec language also means 888. 3x8= 24!!! (I am a humble servant of the Lord, only guessing, the Lord has the last Word of course, hehe) *** The number value of the name of Jesus in the Greec language also means 888. 3x8= 24!!! (I am a humble servant of the Lord, only guessing, the Lord has the last Word of course, hehe) *** YES, April 23/24 looks very promising April 23 = 23/4 (Vincent Tan) April 23 (Darla >> behold the 23rd) April 23 (Nisan 16 on Creator’s Calendar >> Darla ‘s the 16th ) April 23 (Julian 4/10 >> Brother Todd’s ten four) April 23 (Julian 4/10 >> I saw 446 before waking up) April 23 (Nisan 29 on Jewish Calendar >> my dream of Luke 13:13) April 24 (Nisan 17 on Creator’s Calendar >> Resurrection Day >> 711) April 24 (4/11 on Julian Calendar, that’s 3Ms11Ds >> Brother Todd’s 311) April 24 (3 days after 4/21 which is 321 (3Ms21Ds) >> 3,2,1 from Gigi’s 21 *** 3/11/2011 Fukushima + 3333 days = 4/24/2020 I keep referencing Fukushima because it's an earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear reactor all rolled into one. Sounds like judgement to me. I think this one is right. Good work brother. Strongs Greek: 3333. metakaleó Definition: to call from one place to another Usage: mid: I summon to myself, send for. *** Great video Rody! This morning ( Mon. 20th) I had a dream that I was rounding up family members for a family gathering and had to also buy some supplies. I was in such haste, that I lost one of my slippers going up an escalator. So then I needed to find a pair of shoes! I found some sandals and tried one on. Someone recommended that I try a shoe shop called "Shoshani"! I knew it was a sign from God even in the dream! I said: "I only have one shoe on, so maybe we are standing on Holy Ground!"(Shoshani is word play for trumpets "Shoshanim") Hallelujah! (I love it when the Lord does that!) When I woke up, I thought of Cinderella. Now, of course, I know God was reminding me of Shoshani's prophecy... they hadn't yet formed a government this morning! I know the weekly Sabbath begins on Friday afternoon/evening, but bear in mind also, that we have a potential High Sabbath on Wednesday! On the full moon =new moon calendar, tomorrow is Passover and Wednesday is Unleavened Bread.(Could we be a hidden unleavened bread type also?) Then is First Fruits on Thursday or Friday, so literally everyday this week is a High Watch!! Watching with great excitement along with all my brothers and sisters! God Bless! ***