It's that time again!
How's this for taking Scripture out of context? The dry bones in Ezekiel refer to the re-establishment of Israel! Time to Say “Dry Bones Live”
You’ve given all that you can give, Time to say “Dry Bones Live.”
My people have been sifted like wheat, Time to come out of defeat.
Come out of strategic retreat, Off the milk and onto the meat.
Come to Me and grow, And I’ll show you things you don’t know.
You will have to stay connected, In order to be effective.
In Me are the answers, Against Satan’s prancers;
Where are my holy dancers? Where are my praisers?
The walls of Jericho fell down, Because of holy praise and prayer.
Where are My intercessors? Where are my interveners?
You have the power in Me, To set the captives free.
Sodom and Gomorrah fell in one day, Because one person did pray.
I need those who will stand in the gap, For the mainline church is taking a nap.
While demons on your door tap,
Prayer Warriors – WAKE UP AND ARISE! Separate yourselves from things I despise.
Look at things through My spiritual eyes, Be righteous in Me, and wise.
Fruit without gifts is useless, Gifts without fruit is useless.
Ask Me to fill you with all I have for you, Be open to Me for I am true.
You see, faith without works is dead, Evil will come if you hide under the bed.
For every knee shall bow to Me, And you will be with Me for eternity.
I will give you instruction, Against all of the corruption.
For evil comes across the land, When its people have their heads in the sand.
For righteousness you must stand, So I can heal your land.
For Me you must thirst, And if you put Me first,
All these things will be added unto you, See I walk with you and I carry you through.
I am not a God of confusion, I will act upon this intrusion.
You can’t say, “Well I’m not in it”, If you really want to win it.
There was and is a need for all slaves to be freed,
The poor must be free from the rich man’s greed, Time to harvest My Holy Seed.
It took Moses to act and pronounce, And each plague he did announce.
He for a time hid away, But then he was thrown into the politics of his day.
What would have happened if he did not obey?
The sorcerers were shamed and held at bay, And My power was displayed!
Let go of your doubt and fear, For I your God holds you dear, and I am not deaf that I cannot hear.
I am not blind that I cannot see, But you must act on My authority.
Take spiritual territory so others can come into My rest, So you can have My very best.
For I haven’t left you all alone, See your prayers can change the tone.
Nothing will be solved, If you don’t get involved.
So come to Me and pray, And I’ll show you the way.
Faith comes from hearing My Word, Not from listening to fake news and the absurd.
Those who are on their knees, I will give My keys.
My tongues (?) are assigned for those that believe, With My wisdom, evil cannot deceive.
You have not because you do not ask, Its time for you to be about My task.
Ask so I can give, Ask so you can live.
Help those that weep and mourn, Those who have been worn and torn;
Those that are oppressed and forlorn.
There is no battle fatigue for those who are in My league.
The answer is not isolation, The answer is devotion.
Its time for the harvest threshing, Come to Me for refreshing.
You must not debate, but you must re-rate (?) (relate) (?).
Drop the reprobate, Go to those who are waiting and then I will be abating.
When you look in the mirror, who do you see? Who you think you are, or who you are in Me?
Do you know your true identity? Do you know your destiny?
I will quicken those who are close to Me, Without a battle there is no Victory.
Quit using My love as an excuse for being inept, My promises are kept.
I don’t call my people to be stagnant, But I’m calling an ACTIVE REMNANT!
I died to give you the authority to enforce My purity (?).
To set the captives free, So keep your eyes on Me, For I love you so dearly.
The last grain of the hourglass!
JUNE 22, 2020 4:56 AM
My dear brothers and sisters!
An interesting and deep weekend
is behind me.
And I’m more than sure that we have a great time ahead of us.
This does not mean that there will only be wonderful things.
No, we should be prepared
that the negative will also strike.
I received this word in evening prayer yesterday:
Beloved daughter,
hear the word of the LORD,
as it speaks to you
for thus saith the LORD:
Child of man, listen:
Look at the hourglass!
How fast it runs before your eyes!
It is also the current time!
Grain by grain flows quickly and quickly
through the eye of the needle!
Fast and faster!
Blow to blow!
Anyone who has prepared with ME
has nothing to fear!
When MY MERCY TIME ends on earth,
then so many will suddenly realize
that all their existence is worth nothing!
They will understand
that every lost grain was so valuable
and was not really used by them!
As in the hourglass:
Above emptiness – NOTHING!
Abundance below – EVERYTHING!
MY children have
with MY FILL employed!
You human children with the EMPTINESS of the WORLD!
This is the lie:
The world fools you into wealth
that is really NOTHING!
MY WAY promises you abundance,
The world lives after looking –
what they see!
MY WAY trusts in faith –
what not to see
but was long predicted in MY WORD!
Who builds on the world
build on sand!
Who builds on ME
builds on solid rock!
Not for long
and for many there is an awakening!
For many of MY children too!
You are prepared and considered worthy!
You went through tough schools
and still have not strayed!
Your wages will be great!
from your FATHER!
(Another new signature)AMEN yes AMEN
JUNE 23, 2020 11:03 AM
Dream from the Lord given on June 4 at 4am in the morning.
My sister and I we went to work in the morning. As we arrived at work I stood behind the security desk which I’m do every morning. As I was standing there the guys were talking so I interrupted and asked one of them to put me on the hotspot, so I can log into ADP. Then one of the guys said, ”do you know that our manager is here today?“ “I said no! Where is he?” “He said the manager is sitting next to the door on the chair.” When I looked, there was no-one! Then we went into the women’s changing room, to preformed our work as cleaners. As we entered the changing room we found a total mess, the counter-top was full of filth, such as make up and other supstaces.
The floor was dirty, something had spilt on the floor. There was a horrible smell, for someone had vomited into the sink. So I said “it can not be this way for I’m not going to clean it!” I’m going to call the guy who mentioned to me that manager is the building. Let the manager come and look at it!!!. So I called the guy whose is name Ken. I asked him if the manager is still in the building? “I think he left the building, it is that bad? Ken asked why what is happen?” “He need to see how horrible and nasty the women changing room is!
Then two girls and I have been siting in the lobby of some other building, I’m not sure if we have been working there or not. While we have been sitting the men approach us with the scanning device, and this men appeared as our manager. As he aproche he ask what is your problem? While I want to tell him he quickly said. Give me your right hand to scan it, he hold the scanning machine like the one in the store. I refuse! He said, I want to know if you have chip in your hand and if you belong to us! ”I was in shock I said a chip?” “I do not have any chip!!!” “So he wants to grab my hand which I fight against him.”
“Eventually he grasped it and scene back of my wrest.” To my amazement the machine started beping, in shock I realized I have a chip in my hand! I ask how on earth did it got there?. “I did not give any approval to put it in my hand, and I will never give it to anyone!!! ”I do not remember any date nor time that I received the chip!!!
And it appears that all even those two girls have it!. When the men finished scanning my hand he began laugh at me! Then he left giving us an order not to try to remove the chip from our hands. As soon as he left I pulled the thing from my wrest, it looks like, as if I received it not long ago. For I can see the mark from the needle, plus I can feel it. When I get the chip out, it was small like a grain of rice and on the two ends it was white. And in the middle was gray like stainless steel. When I got it out the girls asked me how I did achieved it?. So I told them and the dream ended!
( In the dream I had no fear, I was peacefull, it is hard to explain. But even though I had this chip in my wrist I was in total peace. So when I woke up I was thinking what about all this could mean? I ask the Lord if He had something to say)?
Lord do You have something to say about the dream?
Yes My child I tell you that the man of lawlessness is in front of the door waiting for his servants to announce him, he is ready to take the control. The dream was about his cruel plan, his schemes are not hidden from Me, now My children be ready for what is coming. I will protect Mine own but how horrible it is going to be for those who think they know Me but they know Me not! My hand has been withdraw from the earth because people demanded that from Me!. I will not stand in the place where I AM not welcome. I take My peace with Me for I was not well received, but My peace stays on the head of My bride! (My question; Lord how come that I have the chip? I will never received it!) My child I tell you that they will put it, into many. Without their notice, but those who are Mine will have no sin for they been tricked. (My question; Lord when this is going to happen?) Ruth you do not see what I see, nothing is hidden from Me! My child the lookwarm will take the hand of the enemy for he will sound so right. But worry not for My Spirit will lead My own to safety. (My question; Lord will even Your bride be tricked and have the chip without her notice?)
NO, NO, NO she is filled with My power by My Spirit. NO, she will not be marked by the enemy for she is marked by Me her God. This chip which you have seen in the dream is going to be put in the hands of those who depends on this world. This will change them completely. Their hearts will change, their DNA has a special code which I God have give to them, will change after they received the mark.
In the dream you were fighting, for you know you will never put the chip inside of your hand, yet it was there so you become scared. My child do not doubt yourself, for I know you will not receive it! But those who think they belong to Me will received it. In the time as this starts working they will forget that they even have it! For none asked them to use it until the jobs start demanding their ways. (My question; Lord so we can’t work without it?) NO, do not forget every rich and poor, free or slave all have to received it willingly. They can not, force you to receive the chip otherwise it won’t work. ( Me; I removed the chip without difficulty knowing that I did not accept it). My children hold on, for this and the next year will be crucial, your faith will be tested, but worried not. I will not leave you like the orphans. I will give you a double portion of blessings and My Spirit will move mightily on you. Stay united to Me. For now the deception will rise even stronger, but your eyes see, and your ears hear, there is not one of you without understanding. Those who call themselves Mine I urge them to search their hearts if that is true! Ask Me to reavil to you if you truly belong to Me? Or you are haft the way through!!! I love you all, My creation but do not forget that many are called but few are chosen, I call all but only a few are responding. My dear ones, wait on Me in your secret place for your eyes will see the King of Glory.
I AM pure love, your King of Peace Yeshua
(Another new one. The familiar spirits are out in full force!)
Rapture Dream
JUNE 19, 2020
I felt like Jesus is coming okay and a
lot of things out there right now
probably feel the same way if you’re
really really connected you haven’t
figured out the rapture and we still
don’t believe it
do some research I don’t know this is a
more of a spiritual thing for me because
I had a rapture dream that was so not
like a dream and it’s so clear in my
head I mean I had this dream about
probably 25 years ago and it woke me up
I want to tell you something the Lord
used that dream to wake me up oh I’m so
glad couldn’t save my life it really did
I was thought stayed before but this
dream I had when I had it I wasn’t saved
but it was like it was like Jesus gave
me CPR with this dream you know it’s
just like acts 2:17 it means a lot to me
because it saved my life pretty much and
I am just so glad to tell you about this
that Jesus is coming and you need to get
on the ark okay this is just really
really important you’re ignoring your
please research them because that’s what
made me research Jesus after that
because I knew the Dreamettes them so
that made me go look and research and
then I found
Jesus while I did that that’s how I got
into really deep relationship with Jesus
once I found him and he found me I
remember him coming to my house and
knocking on the door cuz I would hear
like something knocking on my door and I
have a screened-in patio our patio door
you know for security so it’s like how
is did somebody get in my patio no you
need to have keys and everything you
know would hear someone knocking on my
door and I would go look in the peephole
there’s nobody there and I realized
Jesus look another door and finally I
opened the door let him in you know what
I mean I did say I want to tell you
what’s coming is there’s so many signs
in the sky you guys June 21st the ring
you got July 4th as another sign major
sign in the sky that’s coming on our
Independence Day on 2020 all this that’s
coming up soon very soon you know it’s
June 17 2020 as I make this video at
2:03 p.m. and I am so glad to tell you
this I had told you these things in my
dreams and videos in the past I just
wanted to document it all and everybody
thought I was crazy and they would laugh
at me and tell me I was a fearmonger but
those were years ago and now a lot of
this is coming to pass I told you
everything was gonna start off with a
civil unrest civil war because of race
it’s a race war but there are so many
diabolical things behind it I told you
Obama is the Antichrist he’s the one
creating chaos
I had three dreams of Obama in 2014 he
was holding a white baby in like
witchcraft he had the baby in his hand
he got black vines like in witchcraft he
was binding they had a bind around the
mouth of the white baby
speech she’s trying to steal our speech
away then he had the black bind around
our body into the hands of the baby so
we couldn’t move see the Lord was
showing me that that man is practicing
you know Kenya you got a lot of witch
doctors out there sarcomas I’m sure he
learned all that stuff he is into
witchcraft you guys don’t be naive and
food of this man he’s a very evil man
and I saw his heart and it was black as
black as stone okay he didn’t have no
heart because he God is not in him okay
the devil is in him not God don’t let
this man fool you and I’m telling you
it’s a domino effect okay after this
everything is gonna come down like crazy
and I told you I heard yellow stone I
heard a whisper yellow stone we were
trapped in our house I remember and I’ve
said that you can you go check on the
videos okay if you don’t believe me but
I said we were wearing masks and goggles
because it was Ash it was red skies and
it was brimstone and ash raining down on
us okay like I had dreams about a
meteorite storm and flooding so maybe
this is all related to that I remember
looking at this out my bedroom window
and seeing red skies it was dark at
first and then I remember it being red
bleep then I saw a tree raining blood I
think it had to do with the red dust or
nubu because it kept getting closer and
closer you know with just healthiness
and the water mingling with the the dust
and the brimstone and everything it was
like blood it was seen like raining
blood and I heard Jesus calling us he
was yelling for us to I heard him
I remember hearing his trumpet and it
was so scary you guys this trumpet and I
was like really long and I can’t
remember holding my ears going stop that
trumpet because it was so scary was like
a it was like a very gothic kind of
money close encounter of the Third Kind
kind of whole vibe okay but really long
she’s like a
real spooky creepy like like it was like
a warning and you know and you know if
you were stuck oh god it was just
horrible like I just didn’t want to hear
it anymore and then it stopped and then
it just felt like somebody grabbed me by
the collar and pulled me up like you
know harp on so rough tore up rapture
but it just felt like something grabbed
me pulled me up I go through the ceiling
then I go I remember this gold light
surrounding me and it was like go
glitter just like dad it was this light
just on me and like like kind of this
feeling like don’t be afraid and I just
remember going in this to like light
going upwards seeing everybody there
going up I see the Saints going up
whoever was near me there was only very
very few people I saw it was not very
many people up there you guys and I
truly believe it was probably the 144 I
before I just thought it was all a
skinny raptured I don’t know and I still
not sure why would there was not very
many people up there I just remember
meaning geez
and these clouds in the sky and it was
so cool you guys it was like crystal
glass like a plateau it was made out of
glass and it was all clear like glass
like regular crystal glass and it was
like stairs on that plateau where we
were and it we just that’s where we were
put right on a plateau right there in
the clouds and then we could just see
Jesus was there to greet us with the
army the angelic army was there and then
the next thing I know we were translated
somewhere else really quickly and I
always thought it was New Jerusalem
because when we arrived it was right
there it was next to the moon and it was
right next to the earth so cuz I could
see the moon and and I could see the
earth and the the walls were made out of
gold but it was crystal glass so it was
like this gold and crystal glass I kid
you not
I remember looking through the walls and
seeing space like it’s the weight that
effect made it like you were floating in
heaven that’s how it was – and I just
remember we all met when we got there we
were at the hall and then we were crying
and then I just remember crying to fall
on my knees and I didn’t know why I
thought it was because I was expecting
to see more people there that’s what I
always felt in my in my heart why I was
crying I was crying for the people that
weren’t there and I saw people crying –
that fell on their knees like me and
that Jesus comes in from the because I’m
standing and in from my right
he comes in and then he comes down and
we were like in lines or something it
seemed like we were in two lines from
what I could tell and I was still on my
knees crying and I remember him coming
up to me taking this row but he caught
the corner and he’s just like wiping on
the tears out of my eyes next thing I
know he pulls me up then he touches me
and as soon as he touched me Mike hit my
head it’s like he took all my sadness
away and granted me peace and then I
wasn’t sad anymore and I stopped crying
and every
and he went to he did the same thing
okay and then she touched her head and
then it was like they’d stop crying
automatically and he just did it until
everybody stopped crying and then I
remember him speaking to us but God had
blocked all that what he said to me and
only certain things I remember see like
I saw this Marvel alter in where they
had the incense it was like a Hall of
incense because I’ve never seen all this
incense dust in there and then there was
a throne and it was like it over in mind
me like kind of like a Rome kind of
Roman because I was everything was like
marble and then there was gold floors
and then in certain areas like when I
was walking around their floors were
made out of in the dream it was made out
of green emerald stone but it had that
rainwater looked to it like in the
shower glass then I turned I think
that’s the sea of glass that’s what I
was seeing
that’s what it seemed like anyways
people are telling me and it was we’re
all dressed in white because our clothes
came off when we were raptured and we
were all dressed in a white white gown
and we all glowed okay I saw this
glowing like when I first saw Jesus in
my dreams I’ve talked about it where
when I saw him his face looked all white
because it’s like when I was staring at
I mean it looked like the Sun and I
couldn’t focus on him until I became a
child and soon as I did I could see him
and it was like it went but he still
glowed but he wasn’t like the Sun
anymore I could actually look at him and
his eyes would look like water that’s
how it seemed to me like water who’s
wearing a white robe so he glowed like
all the saints now and then I remember
her like doing some kind of training up
there but before all the training stuff
I did go through the 30 minutes of
silence and I just knew cuz it was the
seventh seal that was automatic and then
I did see an angel come to the altar and
it was like round and flat kind of like
an and it had a I guess like you know
this looked like
sooo kind of to hold all the dust and
all I know is that um he came over there
and I remember him feeling something up
I’m feeling it I thought it was his hand
he was cupping it in the ball and the
next thing I know he hurled it at the
earth because we were all watching and
then I saw this this ball the small tiny
ball that he made out of dust out of the
incense altar turn into this mountain
like slowly just kept big getting bigger
bigger was like manifesting itself until
it hit the earth and then when it did I
saw it it was on the top it was like the
right side of it which I thought was
east and then we’re landed I just saw
like this in the embers and the fire
have just kept spreading and we were
just watching and then after that my
mind was blocked and I think we went
sometime to training and then I remember
coming back on earth with a bunch of
people but I can’t I don’t know who I
was with me because I can’t identify
that that was up locked in my mind
because I do remember seeing some people
I knew there was only one time I
recognized one person and some of the
dreams but we come back on earth and I’m
Eric going like FEMA camps and I
remember going ask a tooth there was a
bunch of Christians there that were in
the FEMA camps I think it was in the
Washington area or Oregon area and I
remember going there because my daughter
I I thought was in one of those FEMA
camps in a dream it seemed like it was
my daughter I just remember going but I
never in the dream I didn’t see her but
that was somewhat it kinda was implied
and I was there to help others that were
in that FEMA camp but it was so bizarre
because in the dream I don’t know why
they were there maybe because of the
flooding that came on the earth because
there was from the meteorite storms I
saw because there’s some kind of
meteorite storm and I think it came from
the tail of the planets the seven
planets that Jesus took me up in heaven
just show me I think one of them had a
tail I like huge tail with a bunch of
asteroids our meteorite so when it was
coming by because right now it’s above
us right now I don’t know how no one
this but this new route is right above
us that’s why they got all the stuff
going on with the chaos you know because
it’s gonna defer us from what is really
going on and and it’s hiding the fact
that the the signs are up in the sky
like it says in Luke above us it’s I
don’t know to me maybe it’s because I
have a spirit of discernment but I could
see this there’s this huge huge planet
above us right now and it’s coming back
it’s like passing by us but right now
it’s like in the middle and I saw a
really good picture of it in New Mexico
and I don’t even know it makes me
realize that that’s why the skies are
off voice being sprayed it’s like and
we’re keeping busy being like fighting
among ourselves that we’re not even
paying attention was really going on
above and and God had warned us in the
Bible these things are gonna come to
pass what the I mean it’s in Revelations
and Jeremiah the destroyer that’s what’s
above us is the destroyer okay but we’re
so busy and I see the same Christian is
to fighting and they’re always peeking
about race and that’s how I saw in my
dream it starts off with race is a race
war we’re gonna break yourselves up with
stupid stuff and but this is being like
orchestrated there’s so many behind it
it’s the Antichrist yes he is he is
behind us he’s campaigning and working
all these angles and making us fight but
we don’t even pay attention what’s
really going on above us
Get off Social Media, NOW!
This morning, a short two-tone blast of a trumpet woke me up (significant because I am hearing-impaired & do not hear anything without hearing aids, which I don’t wear to sleep.) The ear in which I heard it was resting on the pillow. Ezekiel 33 came up when I searched for “warning trumpet.”
I took it to be a warning.
My husband and I went to one of the many local parks to walk, and on our return to our car (about a 3 minute walk) we noticed 1 car, just sitting outside of a row of parking stalls, the driver apparently listening to something for instructions. The next one drove in & stopped, listening for instructions. The first car drove forward to a back lot, then about 30 seconds later, the other driver followed slowly. Another car arrived, parking so they (2 occupants) covered three stalls in the lot, both appearing to listen. A fourth vehicle arrived & parked strangely in a parking area across from where the first car had stopped. We observed two more cars driving very slowly, as if they were practicing social distancing in their cars, all appearing to listen carefully to their instructions (6 cars in all).
We pulled out behind the first car leaving, & that driver appeared to be listening again for instructions.
They were all older drivers/passengers, apparently in their 40s, 50s, & 60s.
We’ve been walking the parks for several years now, & have never witnessed anything so odd.
You have already seen other warnings re: the emergence of technology as a danger.
Between my experience with vigil & the Lord’s instruction to me 2 weeks ago, & today’s experiences, I believe this is necessary to call to your attention. Clear your computer’s cookies after EVERY use (when I do, I constantly see Bing [Microsoft] and I do not use their site – preferring Firefox instead for the ease of clearing cookies).
This is one that I will copy & paste directly to email, to be sure it is appropriately transferred to you.
Do not allow technology to dictate your behavior or destroy your Peace in Christ. If you use it, you will be trapped if you do not carry the full armor of God. The only way to do that is to have Him within.
Married to Satan Forever
JUNE 20, 2020 7:17 AM
Word and dream received June 20, 2020:
This word references a dream I had last night. I will share a portion of the dream. I am married in real life, but in the dream I was still unmarried and getting ready for my wedding. I had sewn my own wedding dress, but instead of white, I had chosen black silky feathers as the material for my dress. It was very soft, moved beautifully, and looked very nice. It had a simple v-neck, sleeveless, with pockets, and went from short in the front to long in the back, and I wore black tights and black heels, hair pulled back. In the dream, I represented the person mentioned in the message, the one getting married to Satan. Note that the wedding didn’t happen in the dream, it was just preparation time, so there is still time for people to decide who they will devote themselves to for eternity.
Here’s the word:
Learn all that you have been taught, my child, and learn it well. You will soon have to put your skills to the test. All that belongs to Me will be rendered worthy to accept the challenge. No Fear! Your Savior Yeshua is here! I will guide you, little one, and your little ones, at this time. All that you hear is not true. What you see in the dark will soon come to light, overwhelm the senses of the one who perceives it. Black is the heart that dwells in sin, smooth silky black material like you saw in the dream. A person does not even perceive how black their own heart is.
They will be married to Satan forever. He owns the right to their souls. Unfortunately, that is the deal we made. A life for a life. I gave Mine for you, but if you don’t accept Me, he gets yours. That’s how it works, my child. Oh, how bitter the cup that is full of my wrath. It stings all the way down to the grave. The earth swallows your soul down into itself like a lion. All that belongs to you is left behind in the dust. It is no more of value. No one wants the clothes or things of value. They don’t mean much to anyone except you. What a long way down to that Pit! So nasty, smelly, and gross. You don’t want to see it, my child. Truly, it is a mess. It will turn your stomach sour. I never wish that anyone goes there. It wasn’t supposed to be in the cards.
People were supposed to choose Me, love Me, turn to Me. I don’t get it sometimes, as you like to say. They could have had eternal life with Me, but no. Nothing I do is ever enough. So long as there’s breath in your bones I will seek you, find you, and communicate with you that I LOVE YOU, you stubborn child! When will you listen and get that through your thick skull nimwit? Just because I call you nimwit doesn’t mean I don’t love you, silly. It is to GET YOUR ATTENTION! Hello in there! Anyone home? Have you thought about your soul lately?
Carry Me with you through these hard times and you won’t regret it. I am here, waiting, for all the ones I love and love Me to come running to daddy’s lap. Come to Me my children. I love you so much, with every action I take. I love you with an everlasting love, Yeshua and the Father
The President’s Assassination
JUNE 18, 2020 11:50 PM
This was not a dream because I was awake. This happened in the Spring or Summer of 2017 while going through a hard time. I was asking questions and getting immediate answers.
One of the questions was about president Trump. This seemed to be the most detailed answer to the questions that I asked. He said that the president and his wife would be killed in a Washington D.C theater the year after he gets reelected. There was something said about the Kennedy assassination, maybe referring to a lone gunman involved or that a lone individual will be the scapegoat. Four unknown men in Europe planned it.
A civil war would ensue after this in which blacks and hispanics would fight against whites. There will be a million casualties, averaging 100,000 per month.
It is June 2020 when writing this, and racial tension is a significant part of the chaos sweeping the nation at this time.
We should pray against this from happening.