Get Ready for Military Exercise UWEX 16
Nov 12, 2015 0:20:54 GMT -5
Post by Berean on Nov 12, 2015 0:20:54 GMT -5
Get Ready for Military Exercise UWEX 16, Resistance 'Role Players' Needed
Published on Nov 11, 2015
Less than two months after the alleged conclusion of 'Jade Helm 15', which labeled the state of Texas as hostile and made Bastrop County Texas part of 'conspiracy theory lore', the Dallas Observer tells us to "Forget Jade Helm 15, Sheeple, And Get Ready For UWEX16" as the US military plans a return trip to Bastrop in March of 2016. Even more covert that JH15, Gary Franchi examines the new exercises coming to Texas in 2016 in the 1st video below.
It appears that Bastrop won't be the only county holding #UWEX16 (or unconventional warfare) drills in early 2016, either, as Susan Duclos was recently notified by an ANP reader, the very concerned wife of a civilian who works at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, that there's a huge list for new 'role players' to take part in more unconventional warfare drills in early 2016, drills we now learn are spread all over the country.
Seeking such role players with titles such as 'Guerilla Chief', 'Underground Leader', and 'State Dept Representative', we see these 'role player jobs' going on beginning in January of 2016 and going on through at least June of 2016. You can see several screenshots of the jobs listed below videos or visit the website yourself here.
Are we now watching the unfolding of 'Jade Helm 16'? According to Bastrop County Judge Paul Pape, the US Army doesn't expect UWEX16 to have the same kind of attention paid to it as Jade Helm 15 because it doesn't have the same kind of flashy name attached to it that social media might grab on to.
However, Judge Pape isn't paying attention to the real reason social media grabbed on to Jade Helm 15, because Americans are rapidly awakening to tyrannical government and the very real potential of our economy collapsing and the US Military being needed on the streets to keep the peace once it all comes crashing down.