Post by Honoria on Mar 21, 2020 13:02:47 GMT -5
We've had flus and plagues and pestilences, but never in human history has much of the world been shut down, with entire countries and states in quarantine, and more being added all the time. Come on lurkers (and regulars, of course) - what's your opinion on all that's happening?
Post by schwartzie on Mar 22, 2020 15:46:13 GMT -5
I don't believe, as some say, that there's a specific 3 day, 7 day, 1 year, etc. "warning" before the rapture (the rapture is imminent until it happens), but Jesus said that it wouldn't overtake believers like a thief in the night. We're seeing signs all around us - the world has changed drastically for the worse in the last few years - I think this whole thing is part of the wake up call. Sadly, few churches teach prophecy, and most professing Christians are fast asleep. Come on, lurkers - you don't have to register to post on this thread, but if you post any spam or anything that's not pertinent to the subject you'll be banned in the twinkling of an eye! You can also post prayer requests in the appropriate thread without having to register.
Post by J.J.Gibbs on Mar 29, 2020 13:55:29 GMT -5
John Haller's prophecy update today was very interesting (as always), particularly near the end. A lot of the Jews are looking for their messiah this Passover, and he insinuated that there might be something to the timing. As to the original question, yes, I believe God is using it to fulfill His purposes. I don't see how an economic collapse (the black horseman of the Apocalypse) can be averted, and the world is begging for a cure to this virus - whether it's manmade or not. You can already see how many have already willingly given up many of their freedoms in exchange for "safety." I'm not a date setter, but I think the next few weeks are going to be very, very interesting. Passover is April 8-16, and Easter falls exactly in the middle, on April 12. I guess we'll soon see.
Post by Rhonda on Mar 31, 2020 23:47:54 GMT -5
Well, seeing as they're talking about a One World Government to fight this thing and our rights are being taken away one by one, I'd say the world is definitely being prepared to take the mark of the beast. Maybe this is a stretch, but the lyrics of "The King is Coming" sure are interesting, aren't they? I mean, they seem to largely describe the situation we're in now. I'm not saying they're necessarily prophetic, but they do make you think. The marketplace is empty No more traffic in the streets All the builders' tools are silent No more time to harvest wheat Busy housewives cease their labors In the courtroom no debate Work on earth is all suspended As the King comes thro' the gate Then again, we housewives haven't exactly ceased our labors, have we? Impossible to do with kids around!